Christmas Time

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A/N:I'll do my best and bare with me I'm getting the hang of writing and sorry if there's any punctuation/grammar errors etc. I hope you like it!

Elizabeth Watson was in the kitchen making some breakfast waiting for her son to come down.

She turned the stove off and put the last piece of bacon on the plate. She took the plate and sat

it down over on the table, after cleaning her hands with a clean rag she went upstairs to wake

up her sleeping son. "Bryan, wake up it's already 8 o'clock," his mother said as she knocked on

his door. "Get dressed and come down to eat." She went back downstairs to start on her breakfast.

Having heard his mother knock on his bedroom door, Bryan pulled the covers off of him and sat up;

looking over at his clock which read 8:05 am. Sitting on the edge of his bed he rubbed his face and

went over to the bathroom to wash up. Afterwards, he made his bed and changed into a white t-

shirt with a black and red plaid shirt, jeans, black belt and black converse.

"Hey mom, Happy Christmas." He said as he planted a kiss on her cheek. "And to you too Bryan."

He sat down on the table and began eating his breakfast. Tonight he was planning on taking

Mallory out on the town to see the Christmas lights that they do every year. Mallory went to school

with Bryan, before he quit to start on his music career. She was a nice girl, smart and a bit shy when

it came to guys; she's always had a crush on Bryan but never knew how to tell him since she didn't

see Bryan that much during school, school to him was just unconcerning and boring.

One day though, Mallory was sitting at the usual table she and her friends sat at, her friends went to

go get their lunch. "Aren't you coming Mallory?" Her friend Katie asked before leaving. "No, I'll go in a

little bit, you guys go ahead." With that, Katie and the two girls went to go get their lunch. Mallory went back to her reading, after awhile she got bored and decided to go get her lunch. While she was putting her things away someone came up to her. She looked over at him and saw that he wore hippy like clothing and his blonde hair reached down passed his shoulders.

"Hey, Mallory right?" "Yeah, that's me." She said smiling. Bryan gave a small smile and put his hands inside his jeans pockets. Mallory smiled back. "Um, would you like to go grab some lunch?"
"Sure." From that moment on they would soon become friends and tonight was the night that Bryan would ask Mallory if she wanted to be more than just friends.
Bryan slipped on his black leather jacket, he looked himself in the mirror and ran his fingers through his blonde short hair. The doorbell rang, he gave out a small breath, its okay, you got this, you can do this. He went downstairs to open the door and there she was. She looked as beautiful as he remembered, with her wavy brown locks and her emerald eyes that glistened. She wore a pair of slouchy white cuff ankle boots, jeans, belt, along with a white button up shirt and a light pink jacket.

Mallory gave a shy smile,"You ready to go?" Bryan smiled and gestured Mallory to go first, being the gentleman
that he is. They went over to his Black BMW; Bryan started the car and drove to their destination. They got to Vancouver's Trinity Street, Bryan turned the ignition off and got out to open Mallory's door. Mallory took Bryan's hand and walked down the street admiring all the lights that adorned the houses. One house had reindeer and candy canes, as well as a Santa Clause figure in the doorway.

The whole neighborhood was filled with bright decorative lights. Mallory was just dazzled by the many lights.
"Wow, this is amazing!" "Sure is, I've never seen so many lights before in my life." "Neither have I." Bryan turned to Mallory, he stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. "Mallory, I've been meaning to tell you something." Mallory's lips curved into a smile. "Yeah, what is it?" Bryan rubbed the back of his neck. "We've been friends
for awhile now and I was wondering if
you wanted to be more than just friends."

Mallory lit up as he said those words.
She has been waiting for this moment
ever since high school. "Bryan! Of course! Haha yes!" She threw herself
onto him almost knocking him over.
Mallory kissed Bryan on the cheek, Bryan noticed and decided to do what
he's always wanted to do. He cupped her face in his hand and placed his lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands holding her.

Mallory felt fireworks inside of her, she
hoped Bryan felt the same way she was
feeling. As their sweet passionate kiss came to an end, they placed their foreheads against one another's and just looked into each others eyes lovingly. Bryan gave out his arm to Mallory while she gladly took it, she placed her head on his arm as they continued strolling down the sidewalk
admiring the Christmas lights that
surrounded them.

Well there's my Christmas short story! The ending was so sweet!😭
I really hope you all liked it!! I'll be working on another short story that I have, until next time!!

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