Stubborn, Single, and Nowhere Ready To Mingle

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Maybe he does need another lover. Maybe he needs a mother Kairi could relate to. But then again, he still loved his wife.

Aomine straightened up and started the engine and began driving towards the station.

Once he arrived, he clocked in and headed to his office where some unsolved cases were waiting for him. Aomine walked into his office and sat down on his chair and pulled out an unsolved crime file from his drawer and began scanning through the stack.

Aomine's office was fairly basic. A wood desk, and bright lamp, some writing utensils, and his handgun, badge, baton, taser, and other materials that were perched on the small file cabinet next to him. And last but not least, his most prized possessions were sitting on his desk, silently motivating him. A picture of him and his wife on their wedding day, and a picture of him and Kairi.

- [L] . [F] -

You kept on sleeping after you had pressed the snooze button on your alarm clock. You had a long shift last night at the office and you were trying to get in as much rest as you can before you had to leave again that night. Your brows knit together as you felt small nudges on your body trying to wake you up.

"-om!" A cut off voice called out as you opened your eyes, only to squint them once your vision came in contact with the bright light of your bedroom.


"Mom! It's time to wake up!" your four year old son Hayato said, as he nudged you as you suddenly sat up on your bed and checked the time.

"Crap! We'll be late! Hayato have you made your bed, freshened up, and changed already?" he nodded and looked briefly down at his outfit, which consisted of a pair of jeans paired with a basic white shirt with a black jacket over it.

"Good job. Do you want me to make some breakfast for you?" you asked hurriedly, trying to put some pants on, as he shook his head.

"It's alright mom! I can make something by myself!" he said independently and went off to make a simple bowl of cereal. Your son has always been independent. He got that from you and his father.

After you had gotten changed and freshened up, you went over to Hayato and put his shoes on him, then left the apartment and drove to your son's daycare.


You were panting hard as you were rushing to his class, all while carrying him in your arms. You were met with the daycare teacher, who happened to be your grandmother.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I had a long shift at the office last night," your grandmother sighed.

"I told you that you should've left him with me for the night if he was going to be late again," she scolded at you, causing you to blush in embarrassment. You set down Hayato and gave him a goodbye kiss and let him go ahead and play with his friends.

"Sorry grandmother...but you know I can't exactly keep him out of my sight. But hopefully I won't have a long shift tonight. I worked extra so I should be able to get home to him," you smiled hopefully. 

"Well just in case you have to work later, call me. And you should be like the other parents [F/N], like this handsome young man that always drops off his daughter early before he heads to the station. He's a single parent like you too," she compared as you rolled your eyes. You hated it when she compared you to the parents.

"Speaking of single parents, you haven't got into a relationship since Masato died," she said, a bit of sadness found in her voice. Shinomiya Masato was your husband that died and never got to see Ayato on the day of his birth. You sighed and lowered your head a bit.

"Well...Hayato is my life now. He's my son so I have to take care of him. I don't need another spouse or lover anyways,"

"Yes, but Hayato needs a father,"

"I can fill in for the spot,"

"[F/N], he needs a father sooner or later. Even if they're not blood related, at least he has someone in his life to look up to,"

"Thanks grandmother, but, for now I just want to focus on raising Hayato the way I want to. When I have more time I'll go out more,"

"But speaking of going out, the young man I mentioned earlier is single as well. He's about the same age as you. He's a police officer at the station," you chuckled at her suggestion.

"Heh, yeah thanks, I'll think about it," you replied sarcastically, but waved it off. You bid goodbye to your son and grandmother and head for the supermarket for some groceries. As much as you needed someone to lean on in times like this, you couldn't.

After all, you still loved Masato more than any other man.


A/N - I hope you all enjoyed this second chapter! (Even though I kinda rushed.....)

The third chapter will be featuring (expected) :

- The introduction of Kairi and Hayato!

- the introduction of Aomine and the reader's coworkers and careers and whatnot (pretty vital part might I say)

- Possible first meeting of Aomine and reader?

So please look forward to the next chapter!

Also, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Unexpected Matchmakers [Aomine Daiki x Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum