"I know what you're thinking and don't, I'm a big boy Caroline and I truly am better without her. I realise that now."

The way Stefan was looking at her made Caroline blush slightly, but Stefan continued talking. "Anyway, apparently we have more important things to worry about. How can I help?"

Caroline looked unsure for a moment, but the same instinct that told her she could trust Marcel that day in New Orleans was telling her to trust Stefan now. "Bonnie is linked to a witch here, who is linked to a witch in New Orleans. That's how she is casting the spell. We came here to kill the witch, thinking it would be easier than finding the one in New Orleans." Caroline rushed through the words. Stefan continued from where Caroline left off, "But as Elena just demonstrated if you try anything... Jennifer will suffer."

"Yes, and for a moment I thought we were screwed, that we came all this way for nothing... but when we were in the boarding house I heard a voice tell me to come out here. It was a witch I met in New Orleans, apparently she is trying something back there. She told me that if we can't find the linked witches identity, then at the very least we need to distract Elena and Bonnie... stall them."

Stefan looked back in the direction of the boarding house. "How do we stall?" He asked doubtfully. Caroline shook her head, "I have no idea."


When Nik finally made it to the town centre, he was tired and it bothered him. He was not used to feeling weak in any way. It was a fleeting thought though, as his mind re-focused on why he was here. He had to find Jennifer.

He looked around at the people passing him and had to admit, knowing this wasn't exactly real, that he had truly underestimated the Bennett witches power. He saw Caroline and almost called out to her, but remembered in time that it wasn't really her, that this Caroline wouldn't know who he was. He also noticed the worried look on the blonde's face as she entered the Grill.

He stepped up his pace and followed her in cautiously. He couldn't let Bonnie see him, who knows what she would do to Jennifer if she knew he was in here.

Caroline slid into a booth where Tyler and Matt were already seated. He felt the anger soar through his body at the sight of the Lockwood boy, not able to forget that he had almost killed Jennifer. Taking a breath to calm down and reminding himself that Tyler was already dead and this wasn't him Nik quickly sat in the booth behind them, listening to what they said.

Matt was speaking, "Jennifer is going to be fine Care." His words although optimistic, where tinted with worry.

"I know Matt, I just can't help it. You didn't see her in the hospital. So much pain..." Her voice trailed off.

Nik felt his hands turn into fists, he was squeezing so tight the skin stretched over his knuckles, turning white. Jennifer... his Jennifer, lying in pain here as well as in the real world, and all because she loved him. He didn't think he could hate Bonnie Bennett any more than he already did, but the rage he felt became white hot towards the already dead witch. He would find a way to hurt her as much as she has hurt Jennifer, even if it was the last thing he did.

He was snapped out of his murderous thoughts when Tyler's voice behind him piped up. "Well Bonnie is on her way now from the hospital, she can fill us in."

Nik took that as his cue to leave. He slid out of the booth and made his way towards the exit. He reached out to open the door when it was pulled open from the outside and Bonnie Bennett strode in, almost colliding into him. He froze as her eyes rose to meet his. He didn't breathe as she parted her lips to speak. He had already failed...

A New Beginning (sequel to Coming Home)Where stories live. Discover now