Chapter 1

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I had to write this fast. I don't know how you found this note, but you need to leave immediately. Gravity Falls isn't safe. Nobodies safe. I've gone through hell the past week. I can't imagine what condition it's in now. Your probably wondering who I am. Or how you can trust me. Don't worry. I don't trust anyone, not after this week.
My name is Mabel Pines. I'm almost sixteen, maybe already sixteen after your reading this. That is, if I survived. But you need to know more if you need a reason to trust me. So here it is. If you've somehow survived reading this, go somewhere safe. I'm not sure if there is a safe place anymore, but if there is, find one. Because this might take a while.
My brother and I tore through the woods, both of us out of breath. I heard Dipper fall behind me. I helped him up and we continued running. My heart pounding in my ears.
I hit the tree a moment before Dipper did. "Ha! Told you I was faster!" I breathed.
"Hey, spending my days down in a lab doesn't exactly make me physically strong." Dipper coughed. He was kneeling over, trying to catch his breath. I'm glad I got to spend the summers with him. Ever since Great Uncle Ford offered Dipper an apprenticeship, where he does nerd things and helps old Fordsie discover the mysteries of this town.
I live back in California, and while it isn't the funnest thing to go through high school without him, I've had fun. I'm on the cheerleading squad, have lots of great friends. That doesn't stop me from missing him.
"It makes you a big dork." I laugh, still breathing heavy. We lay down in the grass, catching our breath.
"Shut up." He laughs, playfully punching my shoulder. We look at each other, smiling.
He's grown up the past three years. He wears glasses now, and his voice doesn't crack all the time, which I miss. But some things don't change. He still checks out Wendy, who comes up during the summer from college. And he still keeps his hair over his birthmark.
"We better head back." Dipper said, pushing himself off the ground.
"I would race you, but I don't think I can run all the way back to the shack." I smile. We ran almost two miles into the woods, chasing a gnome that stole a pie from Lazy Susan's diner. We lost it, but raced each other to the cliff, or spaceship.
"Yeah, I don't think I could." Dipper says. He pulls out his own journal, something Ford gave him last summer. He said that Dipper was finally prepared enough to write his own discoveries.
He looked at a map he had drawn of Gravity Falls. "We could get there faster. Follow me." Dipper said as he walked towards the tree line. I followed him, looking around the woods. Gravity Falls was like my home away from home. I loved it here, and it was much better than staying all summer in hot, muggy California.
About half an hour later, we reached the shack. Gompers greeted us; I patted his head as I walked into the Shack. Ford was in the basement. Stan was giving a tour. Dipper and I went up to the attic.
Dipper closed the shades. I knew what was happening. I turned my stuffed animals head around. We sent Waddles outside. Dipper locked the door, and I sat in the middle of the floor.
"Ok, so the other day while I was in the woods, I saw something. You remember Bill, right?" Dipper whispered as he sat down.
"How could I forget?" The Weirdmaggedon, my prison bubble, defeating Bill, and erasing the towns people's minds. It was a wild ride, and probably the one memory I wouldn't forget unless I used McGucket's machine, and after what happened to him, I didn't want to risk anything.
"Well, there was this...weird moment when everything except me and the journal went black and white. And there was this person there. They summoned something. It wasn't Bill, but it was definitely other dimension like."
Dipper held up the journal to my face. It was a black, shadowy figure that seemed to be only half there. He would have looked like a shadow if it wasn't for his eyes. They were glowing white, like actually glowing, and he had no pupil, just a dark brown iris.
"He looks terrifying. Have you found anything out about him?" I asked, pulling my knees into my sweater.
"The person chanting was a guy our age. He was in a black hoodie with the hood over his face. The guy called him Predator. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but Predator made a deal with him. I saw the blue fire hand shake thing." Dipper said.
"Does Ford know yet?" I asked.
"I want more info first." Dipper said. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and stared at the drawing. He wrote predator over it.
"Kids! Come on, these people aren't gonna rip themselves off!" Stan shouted from downstairs. Dipper put the journal inside his vest. We walked downstairs and did whatever Stan wanted us to do, which was basically steal these people's money.
"Dipper?" I called into the darkness.
"Mabel, it's almost midnight. What do you need?" He mumbled sleepily.
"You'll be able to handle this right? All this predator stuff? I mean, I have to leave soon..." I trailed off. I never liked leaving, but I guess it was necessary. I had things to do, and so did he.
"Of course I will. And we can still Skype." Dipper said. I could sense him smiling.
"Ok. Goodnight stupid." I laughed a little as I rolled over to face the wall.
"Goodnight stupid." Dipper laughed and he rolled over. We both fell asleep, exhausted from the day.
Hey, it's me. Sorry about all the fanfics lately, I've just been in the mood for writing them:,D. I promise more of other things I've been writing will come soon! Ttyl my meme children-Mo <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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