Prior to the exciting part...

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I never once in a million years thought that this would ever happen. Not just the fact that what I'm about to discuss, but also the fact that Rachel could ever persuade me to be social. Most of the time, I'd just sit around and play games like fallout on my Xbox, hang out on (anti)social media, or hope that they'd make another scary movie, so that I could get another part. But no. Rachel was going to get married, and she wanted me to meet all of her other friends. As in her famous actor/ actress friends. She was marrying Chris Evans. Yeah, freaking Captain America. They were having a dinner party with all of their closest friends, so that we could all sit at the same table at the wedding, without the sheer awkwardness and small talk.

'C'mon Anna. At least make an effort.' Rachel said, as she snatched my phone out of my hand, 'this is your best friend, Rachel, getting married. The least you could do is get your fat ass off the bed, and clean yourself up.'
'Get my fat ass off the bed?' I asked, 'what are you trying to say?'
'You know what I mean babe. I'm sorry,' she replied, 'The thing is, I really want them all, to like you. Especially one.'
'Ugh. For the last time, I don't want a relationship.' I said, 'No matter how 'dashing' he may be. I need some time to move on from Darryl.'
'Please.' She pestered, 'I know you'll regret not making the effort when you see him.'
'Ugh fine.' I replied, 'but I'm making an effort for you, not anyone else'
'Thanks babe.' She said, 'so, I'm thinking you could wear a little black dress...'
'And look like a slut?' I interrupted.
'No, to look sexy babe.' She replied, 'Chris' friend finds black dresses attractive.'

Okay. So in the 6 months Rachel has talked about Chris, I know 5 things:
* He is a Seahawks fan, like me
* He has always wanted to be in a Marvel Comics adaptation
* He has green eyes and brown hair (which, ironically, I find attractive)
* He is basically my age (actually younger)
* And he finds black dresses attractive

'Fine.' I said, 'Also, I wanted to ask a question about Chris. Not Evans, the other one.'
'Pratt?' She asked
'A bit harsh babe, I thought you said he was nice?' I said.
'No! That's his name!' She laughed, 'what was it you wanted to ask?'
'Oh oops.' I replied, 'also, what exactly does he look like?'
'Oh, he's handsome.' She said, 'I'd tell, but I'd rather see your ovaries explode when you see him in real life.'
'Well then. Anyway, I'll get ready and meet you at The Ritz later.' I replied, as she got up and left my hotel room.

So, we were in the UK, because Chris and Rachel were getting married here. The ritz was such a fancy place; Apparently the Royal Family's Harry comes here to party with his friends. And then there'll be me, Anna Faris, just sitting there, eating like a freaking pig. I should make an effort with these people because Rachel landed a sex bomb with Evans. As much as I love her, I doubt she could land another hottie like him. If I screw this up, he'll probably leave her and it'll all be my fault. I got 'my fat ass off the bed' and went into the bathroom. It was 5:45pm, and I was supposed to meet Rachel outside the Ritz at 7:30pm. The limo was going to be outside at 7:00pm, which gave me exactly one hour and 15 minutes to get my shit together and clean up well. I stepped into the shower; where usually, I'd take a long, thought-provoking shower, I had no time, and so I thought briefly about what the heck I was going to say to everyone at the party. Before I knew it, my alarm went off on my phone- oops, I'd showered too long! 6:15- I leapt out of the shower, and did my hair and make up. Finally, I put on the dress, and put all of my necessities into my clutch bag. The night was going to be legendary...

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