Chapter 30: The Elegance of Anticipation

Start from the beginning

"Shall we get started on the lovely bride?" Vickie asks, smiling.

She's a fairly tall lady, with short dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

Kennedy is a short blonde with big brown eyes, and a beautiful smile.

Both are probably about forty years old.

"I think we shall." I smile, laughing.

Erica squeals in excitement.

I giggle at her.

"See you in a couple hours, Wifey." Jackie giggles.

We all laugh at that one.

With that, my mom, Vickie, Kennedy, and I all make our way upstairs, as they haul their supplies up the stairs and into our bedroom.

They shut the door behind me, and I take a seat in the makeup chair that Kennedy has set up, right in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

I look out at the skyline in front of me, knowing that no matter what happens, that skyline will always remain the same in my eyes.

No matter what happens, that skyline will always remind me of home, and bring back good memories.

That skyline is my constant; my anchor.

When I look at it, I am calm.

I get to have my hair and makeup done for my wedding as I watch the skyline of Chicago from the eighty-fourth floor of Trump Tower.

I have nothing to complain about.

"Alright, so we are still sticking to what we planned? No changes?" Kennedy asks, as she opens her makeup kits.

Kennedy, Vickie, my mom, and I had all met with each other a few weeks ago, and had figured out what we were going to do with my hair and makeup, come the wedding.

"No changes." I say, nodding.

"Wonderful!" Vickie giggles, as she plugs the blow dryer in.

I nod, continuing to stare out at the skyline.

It truly is a beautiful day.

No clouds, all sun.

Pure bliss.

With that, Vickie gets to work on my hair.

My mom sits at the end of Patrick and my's unmade bed, with a glass of wine in hand.

Vickie starts with blow drying my hair, and then straightening it.

After that, I lose track of what she is doing.

I'm not looking in a mirror, so I have no idea what anything looks like.

I've already decided I don't want to see myself until it's all done.

I'm waiting until the very end, to see what I look like.

I know that the hairstyle I had decided on was similar to the bridesmaids', just a little more fancy.

I'm wearing my hair up in a super fancy bun, and leaving a few strands of hair around my ears to be left in loose curls.

The bun looks absolutely beautiful from the back, based on the photos Vickie had showed me at our meeting a few weeks ago.

In fact, it looks beautiful from all angles.

And so the three ladies and I chat in the bedroom, as Vickie does my hair.

Within an hour, Vickie claims she has finished the hair.

"Oh Abigail, that looks stunning." My mom breathes, as she looks at me from the front.

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