1. Introduction

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You remember when Nat had told you there was a new team member. But when you had entered the meeting room to find the Winter Solider sat next to Steve, you completely freeze and grab for your gun.

"What's he doing here," You say loudly, breaking their conversation.

Everyone looks up, and Bucky stands. You unlatch the strap around your gun, but don't pull it out and wait for his reaction.

"My name is Buck.. Barnes," He looks to Steve, who nods his head reassuringly with a smile. He stomps around the table, stopping in front of you with his hand extended hesitantly. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah," you give his hand a firm shake. "I'm (Y/n). Nice hair."

A small grin twitches on his lips. "Thank you."

"No problem," you say, finding it hard to keep your composed facade as he sits down across from you.

"That went better than expected," Clint comments suddenly, giving Natasha a what-did-I-do-now look as she glares. "I just meant, that I'm surprised you didn't pull out your gun and threaten him or anything. I almost had to cuff Nat."

"Shut up, Clinton," Natasha hisses, keeping her focus on the glass table as she talks. "Let's just go over the mission, okay?"

You tap on the tablet, eyes flickering to Bucky, who's already watching you and jumps a little when you catch him.

"Buck," Steve interrupts your guys' little staring contest, patting his shoulder. "Need help with the iPod?"

"iPad," you correct absently, and he rolls his eyes. "And it's iPhone, not youPhone. Has he told you about it? He said youPhone, didn't he?"

Bucky nods, a ghost smile grazing his lips. "Maybe you should help me, then?"

Natasha pauses and Clint's eyebrows raise.

"Trying to get the girl already, Barnes?" Clint laughs, stretching to reach you and throw his arms around your shoulders. "Sorry, honey, we're madly in love."

"Shut up, Clint," you huff, shoving him away with a grin and he groans.

"But my heartaches for you, (Y/n). I cannot live without your sweet smile brightening my darkest days-"

"Jesus," you pick up your pen and fling it at his head, which he easily reflects. "You're married."

"I don't understand," Bucky mutters.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to Clint's flirty attitude. Punch him for me if he tries to kiss you, yeah?" You send Bucky a wink and his eyes widen.

"Don't go besmirching my rep, (Y/n)!" Clint whines, and Bucky watched in amusement and you stick out your tongue and tell him to stick an arrow up his-

"Calm down, guys," Natasha snaps. "We have a mission to brief."

Bucky likes it when you smile at him, so he decides that he should listen and makes sure to volunteer to be your partner before Clint could open his mouth.

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