Random Quotes and Poems that I Made

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"Friends are not measured by how long you know them or how frequent you meet them, 

but by how much trust you have in them and how much trust they give you back"

"What is the purpose of hundreds of what you call friends but is not there when you frown and how much worth are those few friends that are there when you are down."


Ive once told you I love you

but you thought it was a joke
I wanted to expect "I love you too"
But i didnt since my heart once broke

The second time i said it

 you did not take it seriously
 But for me saying it was like falling in a pit
 I didnt know what to expect obviously

The third time it happened
 You know it is now true
 But we meeting each other was lessened

 Like the chances of me being with you

To be continued..... (sorry guys I'm currently digging my chatbox of about 10k-20k of messages just to find these quotes and poems that i made for her)

  I became happy 2 months ago
In hopes that we would be together in 6 years or so
 Because you said youre the one who'll catch me
So i was excited and happy

 Thinking of you has been a part of my routine
In those times that i should be sleeping
Everyday you have been a part me
And i wish to you i could also be.

 Now im a bit scared
Because losing you would be a nightmare
So im a bit uneasy
Because a boy is getting closer to you like me

 But it is just fine do not worry
Where you are happy i am happy
I dont really want people lying to themselves just because of me
So whatever choice you take ill accept it fully

 If you ever fall for him just tell me
So it wouldnt hurt that badly

I dont know why are you sad
I want to help you
i want to make you glad
and remove your frowning face too 

 i wish i can comfort you
 and help you too
but I'm sorry I cant
but if only i can with this poem That i am about to send 

 you know you are a part of my life
 and you being sad is like me being hit with a knife
it is destroying me
 and i cant do anything about it sadly

I was once lonely but then you told me
If i can join you
On your brothers homecoming party
then i thought we could be friends too

But then i became close
To you i suppose
So i forgot about being lonely
Because i sure am happy

Missing you each day
Feels like a torture everyday
Missing you always
Wishing you would just stay

 Holding to a hope
Like being hung to a rope
That so that i can still fight
Fight with all my might

About a month ago
You said you need to go
That you will be arriving a week ago
But then you said that you dont think so

It was okay for me
So you may relax fully
But then it hurts me daily
 To see you not talking to me

well roses are red
 violets are blue
when i woke up on my bed

i wish to say "daisuki" to you

but since i cant
so i just sent
my only words
i wish i said

There is this one person i knew
 i wish with her before, i flew
who in my dull world, brought colors
which made me do something because losing her would mean horrors

I always wanted to see her laugh
to see her smile
leaving those stacked up files
and wanted to prove that one of her is always enough

i want Him to save her
 I want her to accept Him
because i know only he can save her
save her from the punishment of sin

 hello good evening from here
hoping to make you happy even though im not near
I have plenty of things between us that I fear
but i wont talk about that because i made this for you, my dear 

I know you are busy
so with this i hope you end your day happily
dont mind about me i can understand
and im sorry
i cant make this poem more grand

This is just to lighten up your mood
just like how it works with food
like how it changes you when your tired
so ill do my best and make you sure that i tried

please remember that you need to sleep
because what you sow you will reap
it would punish you when you get older
so sleep, that in the future would not feel weaker

You may say its your body that I musn't care
but i'm your future boyfriend so please be fair
and you working too hard is what i cant bear
so even with just moral support I will send to you there

so even in just small things please just ask me
that your load will be lessened hopefully
remember it is you who have my loyalty
so asking help doesn't matter to me

Sorry i cant stay up with you today
but i hope with this i will complete your day
after this im going to exercise for an hour
then sleep immediately by that hour

so i can grow that i may reach you
so that your future boyfriend will be tall too     

 Invisible girl

Invisible she may be
But it is not fully what in what I see
Because she is always noticed for me
Or is it because I am always lonely
I am so happy I met her
I am also wishing she was happy to meet me
Even she is only one, compared to zero is better
She starts to change my thinking fully
I write poems like this mostly
About what I think of her truly
About what I feel emotionally
Or how important she is to me
I may be I may be not
It isn't easy like just tying a knot
Being really close with a girl who I met
The one that made me feel important I bet
Going back right now I just feel she is lonely
But I can't help her cause I am not there sadly
If only I can understand her fully
Then I can show her my sympathy.
She told me she is always alone
Her *friends* left her behind
Why I gave her the effort that I own
Trying to make her happy inside
Once there are other people around she isn't she
But when we are together another side I see
I think she is just comfortable with me
With that trust contented I am surely
I hope this poem will make her happy
Just as how I am now somehow lonely
Because she isn't in the mood surely
And she is sick maybe  

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