Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"So what?! Just assign her to a different house! I don't want to share my house with anyone!" Sasuke yelled. The secretary person sweat dropped.

"I can not do so, mr-" she said.

"Get me in there now! I don't want that, that, thing in my house!" he yelled. I sweat dropped. No need to yell so loud duck butt.

I looked out the window, when will this end, I need to train. Stupid duck butt.

"-bo" someone said. "Kibo!" they shouted making me jump literly 5 feet in the air. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sasuke roll his eyes. I mechanicly turned my head to face Naruto, when was he here?

"Come one, let's go!" he cheered pulling me out of the building, I waved goodbye with my eyes wide at the angry Sasuke before he was completly out if veiw.

 My feet dragged on the ground as Naruto pulled me to a Ramen shop, I keep forgeting it's name unfortunly. He went on about random subjects, he focussed on Ramen a lot. My stomach growled. Ow! I haven't had food in 4 days!

Naruto laughed, what's so amusing about my stomach!

 We stopped infront of a noodle shop. Why do I have a feeling, I'LL be paying?


Sorry for it being short, im really tired right now and this is all i can muster up for now

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2011 ⏰

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