Chapter 7- Change in a good way

Start from the beginning

“Well Jacob, do you just go up randomly to a girl and kiss her?” I said sarcastically

He didn’t answer, he looked down and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt

“Jacob, I think you know what this means?” my dad said

“Yes Sir, and Ms. Evers I’m deeply sorry” he said looking towards my dad then to me.

I didn’t response instead I just walked away, still frustrated and angry. I need to wash my poor lips, I think their infected. It’s too bad for him, now he lost the best offer he’d gotten, if anyone else gets a chance to work my dad they don’t usually mess it up, not like that idiot.

I noticed that Ms. Claire caught up to me.

“Aren’t you going to ask where I came from? Or if got hurt?” I asked, but already knew the answer

“I already know where you went to, and no I’m not going to ask because I know you could kick anyone’s as- I mean butt anytime, anywhere” she said

“I love it that you know me so well” I said chuckling “no one can replace Ms. Claire”

I looked at her, her lips twitched. She was clearly trying to cover her smile, but all that was true. I do love Ms. Claire, she is my best strict friend. The guards open the door for us when we got there, my dad didn’t come yet. I guess he was still talking to Jason? Jake? Whatever his name was.

“Do you want to eat?” Ms. Claire asked

“No thanks, I’m going to sleep. I had a long day” I said before yawning

“Night Callie”

“Night Ms. Claire”

Right after a long hot shower, I lay down in the bed and stared at the ceiling. Should I go to school tomorrow? There’s probably a chance that I won’t be able to without a choice because of this headache.

I rolled on to my side and squeezed my pillow. I wonder if he really is lying to me, why is that a moment with him I feel like there’s something wrong. Should I just keep ignoring it? or find out why? But there are chances that it can ruin our friendship, he might think that I don’t trust him, that I’m being too clingy. I’m turning soft, well maybe only to him. He has this aura that makes me warm inside, something that I never felt before. It’s different from the warm and tender that I get my from my family, being with him made it ten times stronger.

I’m thinking too much, and it’s new to me. I chuckled, he is changing me but in a good way. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


When the morning came, I felt sick. My head was hurting and spinning. I regretted drinking on a school day. I heard knocking on my door, I ignored it and covered myself with my blanket.

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