Rub downs and words of wisdom

Comenzar desde el principio

Jenny nodded her head in understanding, as Clara looked at her confused.

"Requirements?" she asked confused.

Since Camila had a large bite of muffin in her mouth, Jenny answered her question.

"Mila has them live here rent free so that they can save their money in case they have other plans. She prefers kids who want to go to college, community, university or trade school, and pays for the schooling. She wants them to be able to further themselves if thats what they want, without having to worry about struggling to balance rent, a job and schooling. She even has a driver who drops them off at their classes so they don't exhaust themselves riding buses and walking to campuses. She always tries to hire foster kids before anyone else, since its harder for them to get a job with no experience. She usually gives them a bonus when they decide to leave, and a glowing letter of recommendation so they can work anywhere. She's a great boss." Jenny said proudly.

Camila shook her head with a smile, and kissed the older woman's cheek as she said,"You exaggerate my humanity Jenny."

"And you are adorably humble my girl. You have some messages in the first drawer from the FBI, Tori, the Board of The Estrabo group, and your sister, who threatened to lock you in a cage to ensure you stop ending up in life threatening situations. Her words not mine." Jenny added smirking.

Camila sighed in frustration and ranted,"I have to tell security to stop ratting me out to my sister. She makes me wonder who the oldest is. I changed her diapers ya know."

Jenny laughed as she said,"She would just order them to tell her child. You know you are equal to them. They can't lie to either of you, she made sure to add that into their contract."

Sighing as she sipped the delicious coffee, allowing it to sooth her nerves, Camila said,"You know having a lawyer for a sister is going to get annoying fast."

"Your the one who put your foot down when she wanted to join the FBI." Jenny added with a smirk.

Camila scowled and exclaimed,"I like to know my baby is coming home safe everyday. Is that so much to ask. Besides with her body guards, it would be annoying for a stake out don't you think."

Jenny giggled, as the woman in the kitchen chuckled at the overprotective woman's rant.

"What did the Board want?" asked Camila turning to the fridge, still feeling hungry.

Jenny handed her a banana, which Camila accepted happily, giving the woman her attention as she happily ate it with a gusto.

"They wanted to open a Hotel in Bora Bora, and a clothing warehouse somewhere in Asia for some new up and coming designer, and a resort some where in Europe." Jenny answered from her note pad.

Scowling, Camila replied,"Don't care about the resort or hotel, or if they wanna open one, more power to them. But the ware house is a no. Unless they agree to paying full wages. If I find out they used children like those other idiots, than I will personally find new board members. They better be paid the same wages as in the U.S. I don't care what the dollar difference is, I know where ever they want it will be a lot less than what the dollar is worth. Tell them to find a place in Asia high in poverty, and unemployment, and pay the workers the same amount they would here." Camila demand biting into her banana before tossing the peel in the trash.

"And when they ask, what the benefit being of opening a warehouse in Asia, than in the US?" asked Jenny dryly.

Camila smiled sweetly and answered,"We'll be helping save otherwise hungry people, and help them make a living. People can still say their clothes are exotic, and the US has unemployment and Welfare which other countries do not. Tell them its a compromise. The want another useless hotel and resort, and I want a ware house somewhere in Asia. And make sure they know, I WILL be checking to make sure the workers are paid well, and treated well. Once they've agreed, tell them to fax Tori the paper work and I will happily sign it."

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora