[Requested] - Meeting Him |Part 1|

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Hey guys, this was requested by Cumberstone ! Amazing little request so I'd thought I'd have a go at it. Remember requests are allowed, don't be shy ;) Anyways, hope you enjoy this! Heads up - [Y\Fr\N] means, Your Friend's name.


Sitting quietly at your own laptop, you typed a few words, reading them over and over. It was the best way to ensure that the story was the best of the best.

Of course, being a writer, you knew that.

Reading and writer came as part of the deal.

For around five years you had been writing and writing, when finally, you had found out that after posting several times on Wattpad, a famous critic had contacted you.

Immediately, you had read over what they had to say:

Dear [Y/N],

I have read through many of your amazing works and I would love to recommend you to publish one of your books. They are wonderful and I love that way you write and put people into context. Please reply to this email in order for myself to be pleased with my author.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

Mathew Jones

A smug smile grew on your face and had never disappeared from that moment, even tough it was about a month ago. Since then, you had never, never stopped writing.

It was your drive.

But so was somebody else.

Tom Hiddleston.

Yeah, you knew he was famous.

You have never met him, even though the opportunity was right around the corner. Work had shadowed everything. You were also in charge of arranging meetings and calls at your workplace.

And, now.

You were late.

Your eyes hovered across your clock and it was 10:45am.

After staring at the clock in shock, you grabbed your laptop and stuffed it into your bag, along with some other random things.

You rushed out of the door, holding tightly onto your bag and you juggled your keys and your phone. Locking the door rather quickly, you ran out of the flat and ran across the street.

You noticed the bus on its way and you dragged your feet and hoped that you had got to the bus stop.

But you didn't.

Instead, it rolled right past you and you growled in anger, stomping your feet.

"No, no!" Twirling around on the spot, you laptop bag had hit your shoulders. But you knew that all you had to do was just wait for the next one, even though you would be in even more trouble.

Gradually walking over to the bus stop, you set your things down onto the floor and leaned your head back onto the bus stop window, letting out a hard sigh.

You buried your head into your hands and heard a man chuckle beside you. Lifting an eyebrow, you lifted your head.

"What?" You snapped. The man wore a top hat and you couldn't really see his face, but his eyes. A piercing green.

"Oh sorry, nothing. Just admiring the day." He smiled at you, touching the rim of his hat. "Late, are we?" You nodded.

"Yep. Work is going to give me some hell."

"Evidently, there will be a line." He folded his arms and rubbed his hands together. "Well, Miss. I certainly hope that I will see you again. Possibly in a better circumstance." You and he chuckled.


"My bus is here. Tally ho!" He simpered and walked over to the bus.

Those words. 'Evidently, there will be a line...' You had heard those from...

From Loki's mouth.

Did you meet Tom?

There was no way.

It had pondered on your mind for a while as you got into work. You also thought about your book.

You wanted to send it off today and hopefully soon, it would be a phenomenon.

Getting into work, you stumbled into your friend, [Y\Fr\N], who jumped up and down next to you.

"Oh my goood, [Y\N]!" She squealed, holding onto a few tickets.

"What is it? And it had better be quick, the boss'll kill me." You rushed to the lift and the doors closed.

"I got them!"

"Got what?"

"The tickets! We can finally go and see Tom for real!" You knew that this next thing was a bad idea.

"I can't." You were about to get your big break and you needed to refuse.

"Why not?" You signed.

"I'm working on something, I need to send it off now!" The lift doors opened and you paced towards your room, dropping all of your things down.

Instantly, you took out your laptop and placed it onto the desk, attaching your story to the email.


It was sent.

Sooner or later, you would get a reply and maybe then, just then, you would meet the man you had always wanted to.

But, you already did and you will again...


If this was a bit boring, I apologise :3 I promise the next on will be better :)

Hope you enjoyed it!

Please press that star and share :D

Thank you!


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