Looking forward to someday...

Start from the beginning

Camila greedily, ripped the container open and went to take a bite, when she froze, she glared at Zayn asking,"Did Stacy eat?"

Zayn nodded and said,"Yeah, while you were passed out."

Camila nodded in approval, and then proceeded to devour her panda express happily.

Stacy said nothing, she just stood frozen in shock at the fact that someone like Camila would actually want to foster her, when she didn't have to.

"But Mila, Ericka will eventually go to Lauren when she gets approved for a foster license. Stacy is sixteen, if you foster her now, she'll be with you until you decide for her replacement." Ally warned, looking at her friend as if she lost her mind.

Camila shrugged and said,"So? It's not like I'll make her go anywhere else. She's sixteen, the chances of getting adopted are non existent, and even then I never trust people who want teenagers, unless their like hippies or something. She'll be fine after Ericka leaves. Besides, once everyone leaves, it'll just be me and the staff in that obnoxious house. It would be nice to have some company. Before this whole crazy stuff happened, I assumed I would eventually foster and adopt, hence the license. I've followed Stacy's case since it landed on my desk, this would be her eleventh home in four years, and before that she was in a orphanage. She needs stability. I have that. It's a win win."

Camila had shoved beef and broccoli in her mouth, when Stacy blurted out,"Whats in it for you?"

Chewing quick, Camila tilted her head, and swallowed before she asked,"What do you mean?"

Stacy fidgeted, and said,"Your rich, and beautiful. If you wanted a kid, any guy would make that happen. Why would you want someone broken staying in your nice house. I mean your young, ya know? Things can happen for you."

Camila dropped her fork, and sighed staring softly into Stacy's eyes.

"You can have all the money in the world and be alone. I raised my sister for years, and now she's in law school, and I'm alone in a empty house. I'm a lesbian, so ew on the finding a guy and knocking me up." Camila said scrunching her nose in disgust, making Stacy and the other women laugh, as Zayn coughed with a blush.

"But the fact that you think that you somehow are unworthy of being a part of my family, makes me think that I'm doing the right thing in fostering you. Who cares if I'm pretty and rich, what is that worth in the real world? Me being kind and smart is worth more to me than looks that will fade, and money that can't buy happiness. Just give it a chance, if you don't like it, I'll personally find you a place you will like. I promise." Camila reasoned with a faint smile.

The social worker, watched as blue eyes met hers, that swam with tears. Stacy sniffled, finally nodding her head in agreement.

"Okay. But no hard feelings if you want to send me back." Stacy mumbled insecurely.

Camila snorted and said,"Like I said at the opening of the Cabello foundation... I haven't even begun to give up on you. Besides, you got nothing on my sister Sofie. She was a terror, and put me through the mill. I'm sure you'll be okay. I'm a veteran in trouble maker, bring on your worse."

Stacy burst out laughing, and shook her head at Camila's antics.

"Even if you want to foster her Mila, you have to wait till tomorrow when the doctor releases you, so we still have to find her a place tonight." Ally said gently trying not to ruin the mood.

Camila waved her hand, turned to Zayn and said,"Get my discharge papers please."

Zayn immediately got up, already knowing that when Camila said something she meant it. He hurried out of the room, as the other woman looked at the woman eating casually in her bed with looks of disbelief.

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