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By Zachary A. Zulkowski

"How dare you!!!!" She said, "chasing that poor defenseless creature! Look at him, he's so cute!!!"

Calamity was looking at him, standing behind the young female who was now reprimanding him. Beeper was poking his long neck from behind her, with a little smirk on his face, occasionally jetting his tongue.

"I mean," She continued, "you seem to be a nice, civilized person. 

Don't you have anything better to do?"

He just looked at her, and shook his head slightly, when this invoked a slight frown and an even more intense glare, he quickly turned it into a nod.

And he could do little else, this young female coyote was determined to show him the error of his ways; and for some reason, he just stood there and took it, with his ears and tail dropped and with a slightly hurt expression on his face.

Her ramblings went on for another few minutes or so, Calamity  

couldn't really tell. Between the surprise of her seemingly popping out of nowhere like that , (right in the middle of a good chase, too), and 

giving him such an earful, and, well....she wasn't that bad looking; he was losing track of time. She was wearing a green sweatshirt and shorts, with a plaid bandanna covering her reddish-brown hair. Her clothing looked a little soiled, like she was working around the house. Perhaps she lives nearby....

She finally released him, and he went home feeling a -little- 

dejected; (Beeper having long since ran off, having gotten his fill 

of amusement).

After what seemed like a long time, he made it home; his room was  

filled will blueprints and diagrams all strewn about. He threw off the 

ones that were on his bed and started to lie down, then shot up realizing



He slammed the back of his head down on his pillow in bitter 

disappointment; and he'll probably NEVER her name, much less her address. 

Well, he decided, if he couldn't get her name, he can at least have her picture; so he went over to his desk, dashed off a short note to Warner Brothers requesting her model sheet.

The next day, Calamity was in Cartoon Physics, with the previous day's incidence being only a dim...(or NOT so dim), memory. Cartoon Physics was taught by Wile E. Coyote. Calamity has the deepest respect for Prof. Wile; he is considered the foremost expert on Cartoon Physics, 

(particularly with regards to Bodies In Motion). Right now he was 

giving a lecture on the concepts of arcs, using a catapult as an 

example when...

"Ehhhhhhhhh! Excuse me..."

Calamity looked and saw...Bugs Bunny at the door, and besides him was a...female coyote, the very same one he "met" earlier. Right now she was wearing blue cut-off jeans with a matching vest, and a plaid blouse, tied in front of her like a halter. Caught totally by surprise, and completely embarrassed, he did the only thing a being in his 

situation COULD do...flatten himself against his desk with his book over his head,

(maybe she won't notice him....).

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