Sacrifices for the innocent

Start from the beginning

Normani and a nurse tried to help her up, only to be shoved aside by a raging Lauren.

"Your lying to me! Where the hell is Ariana!? I want her here now!" shouted Lauren angrily as tears streamed her face.

Camila stepped into the room slowly, and suddenly Lauren's eyes snapped to hers. Lauren stared at her as if she was trying to remember who she was, until recognition slowly steeped into Lauren's green eyes.

"No. It was a dream. Pizza and shots..." Lauren gasped breathing hard as her body started to shake.

Lauren dragged herself up, and looked around the room for her niece.

"Where's Ericka?" Lauren gasped out in panic.

"The body guards took her to the cafeteria once you started to freak out. We didn't know if you would be violent." Normani whispered gently.

"I want Ericka, bring me Ericka. She wont lie to me. She wouldn't lie about her mom." Lauren muttered to herself.

Normani looked at Camila nervously, as if to ask 'what now.'

Camila raised her cellphone, calling her security guard, ordering him to return with Ericka to Lauren's room.

They waited, watching Lauren slowly lose her mind, when Ericka rushed into Lauren's room, stopping in her tracks at seeing her distraught aunt.

Lauren's eyes met her nieces, and everything she didn't want to believe was shown on the teens face, as her eyes shined with tears.

"No...No. She can't be gone. Ari can't be gone." Lauren gasped clutching her chest as painful sobs shook her weak body.

Grabbing her head as if to erase the reality of what she had woken up to, Lauren wept like a child who missed her mother. She cried and begged for it to not be true, but when she felt her nieces small arms wrap around her, she knew it was.

Ericka cried the tears she had held in for almost a month. Everyday trying to be braver than the last, but seeing her fearless aunt weep for her mother, broke the walls she had erected to protect herself from her grief, and she clutched her aunt tightly as they wept for the mother and sister they both missed.

Normani cried helplessly as she sat near Lauren's bed, too overcome with her best friends grief, and the grief herself she had buried upon hearing the news.

Camila stood watching the scene as someone half in and half out of a daze. She watched Ariana die, so she shared grief for the woman she met and liked, along with the woman she would never get a chance to deeply know. But her grief could not measure the deep sorrow that the three woman felt, and it made her ache for them.


Lauren laid numbly against her bed frame as Ericka snuggled into her chest, savoring the closeness of her aunts presence.

"What happened?" asked Lauren hoarsely with puffy eyes that landed on Camila.

Camila looked into her eyes and said,"After I sent Ericka into the bathroom with the panic button, the gang members open fired with automatic weapons, killing almost everyone in the restaurant who didn't reach cover in time. But they mostly were aimed at you and Ariana. You covered me with your body, and received two shots, one to the side and another in your back."

"And Ariana and Sean?" croaked Lauren.

Clearing her throat, Camila whispered,"They were shot in the head by the spray bullets. They were gone before they even knew what was happening."

Lauren nodded her head, and whispered,"Small miracles. What happened next?"

"Mila kicked ass and killed the two of them that wanted to kill me." Ericka whispered almost proudly.

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