I turned off my bathroom light and walked back into my bedroom. I sighed sitting down on my bed and placing a blanket over my legs. It was getting colder and colder as winter neared us, I would have to start putting the heat on more. It wasn't helping that I was wearing shorts all day today. I woke up at around nine and brushed my teeth. I didn't feel like changing right away so I went down stairs, had some breakfast, then decided that I should start cooking. Nobody else was up in the house until about eleven. Bella came down the stairs all dressed up, makeup and everything, and told me mom had forced her out of bed to come down and help me. Something about the smell of the sauce and meats cooking woke her up.


I picked up my phone that I left charging on the night stand, and unlocked it. I saw that I had three missed calls and two texts. I clicked on the calls seeing that both Mandy and Cierra called me. I smiled knowing that they were probably just calling to tell me that they would be coming over today. It was kind of a tradition to have my friends families and ours to celebrate thanksgiving together.


I exited out of the calls and went over to iMessages, seeing that I had a text from Justin and....Natalie? I furrowed my eyebrows seeing her name. We really haven't spoken to each other since our last rekindling. It was fully my decision on this one and she just avoided me. I was kind of uncomfortable with the way I acted toward her that day, but that went away when I sat myself down and told myself she deserved every word that I said to her. Mandy was there for more than Natalie was. It was one of the most confusing parts of my life and Natalie wasn't there for a childish reason. I should have never apologized to her for yelling at her. She was the one at fault for bringing up a topic that hurt me. Caused me to be heartbroken and she knew that. Yet she still brought it up.


I opened her message deciding to see what she had to say to me. As soon as I saw what she said, I rolled my eyes.


12:03PM  - Natalie

Hey, my fam and I are coming over later. It's tradition and I didn't want to tell them no just bc we really aren't talking. So can we just put our differences aside just for tonight?


I ignored her message, opening up Justin's. The attitude I had towards Natalie's quickly disappeared as I saw Justin's message. I had invited him last night to come today. After he told me how he was going to spend his day with some take out and hockey, I quickly offered him to come. He declined at first but when I promised him some of my signature cannoli's he accepted saying they better be the best thing he's ever tasted in his life. He also may have said something other than the dessert being the best thing he has to taste, but let's not go there... 


Justin's picture message made my cheeks flush as I tried to register what he had sent me. He was laying down in a bed with his shirt off and a game controller in his hand. He had on no shirt so his abs were so, so visible. He sent it with the caption, gonna get ready after this last round ;) and I  could already feel the dampness between my thighs. I quickly typed a response not wanting to feel this anymore and ran, yes ran, into my bathroom turning on the hot water, stripping and taking a long shower.


I made sure that I was clean everywhere, scrubbing myself on every part of my body. I decided to shave just in case and grabbed a raiser and my peach smelling shaving crème. I shaved my legs making sure not one hair was left, and my underarms, being extra careful when I got down to my lady parts. I planned on wearing a dress to the gathering so I needed to be appropriate looking in all visible areas. Even in area's visible to only  a certain person. I chuckled at my low key comedy, and rinsed off my body before turning off the water. I grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body before grabbing another and wrapping my hair in it. I walked out of my bathroom and over to my walk in closet, looking over my endless collection of dresses.

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