Chapter 8: On the Road

Start from the beginning

"Okay we'll go until the horses need to rest. Let's go." I said and we were off.

Even in these desperate times the fields of Minecraftia were still beautiful, empty but beautiful. Trees were still green, flowers were still blooming and insects like bees and butterflies were still flying. It reminded me that even though the world has gone to literal Hell, it can still have it's aspects of beauty. I remember crossing these fields during the war against the squids, I remember being on battle fields like this and up until the moment our swords clashed, taking in the beauty of the land around me, before we destroyed it from the fire charges and bombs. It all eventually grew back but it continuously reminded me that life is precious, if there was anything that reminded me of that it was my time in the war. 

Nowadays I'm getting the same reminders as I watch innocent lives lost everyday to the virus that's spreading, but when I see the fields it fills me with hope, life may be precious but what you lose to this death a new beauty will rise in it's place to continue what the original life had started. Maybe that's not what everyone believes, I don't believe that you are reincarnated but I believe that there will always be something left that will turn into something beautiful. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but it fills me with hope in these horrid times.

"Adam!" I heard Jin yell. I snapped out of my trance and turned towards Jin.

"It's about noon! We should stop and rest for a bit!" I agreed so we stopped for lunch. We fed the horses and got them hydrated and take a nap. Jess took a look at Ross's injury while Jin and I made sure the route we chose was still a good choice. 

"I think at the next village we see we should stop and scavenge for supplies. Grab as much as we can so we don't have to keep stopping." Jin said. I looked at the map.

"Rose Mill is coming up in the next few miles, we could walk there and save the horses' energy that way if we need a quick getaway we have one." I pointed to Rose Mill. Rose Mill...another village imprinted into my brain, we lost that village to the squids years ago, we got it back after we won the war but I can still hear the screams of the villagers. 

"We can do that, let's let Jess finish up with Ross and we'll head out." Jin nodded closing up the map. I went to a near by rock and sat down. I had my eyes closed and my sword between my knees. I was focusing on the sounds around me, it wasn't exactly meditating but just calming my nerves. I was anxious about Alesa and Barney, Mason too for that matter. I had to focus my thoughts on something else for a bit. If I spend my time worrying then I won't be able to find them calmly. 

The sounds of the near by river and trees rustling really got my mind calmer, I had stopped bouncing my leg and tapping my fingers. My jaw had stopped clenching up, but it left with extreme heart ache. I missed those 3 dearly, I'm determined to find them if it's the last thing I do. 

"Adam, you ready to go?" Jess called to me. I took a long breath then stood up and stretched then turned around smiling.

"Yep. Let's get going." I grinned. I had Ross climb onto one of the horses so he didn't strain his injury, then grabbed the reins of the horse and started walking. 

It was about an hour walk, luckily it wasn't sweltering hot or anything it was nice out. When we got there Jin and I did a quick scout to make sure there weren't any walkers while Jess and Ross stayed back to guard the horses. 

Ross may have difficulty walking at the time being but he's good with a gun and has sharp hearing, so he's better when it comes to guarding which is handy, we need those horses. 

Jin and I did a quick scouting for any walkers, there didn't seem to be any, in fact, this place seemed to have a few villagers around. I waved Ross and Jess inside, we left the horses with a stable person. Ross stayed back in case of any thieves while the rest of us did scouting of old ware houses and went to a few shops that were around, instead of emeralds they were trading. This was a starving village so I brought what food we could spare.

I ended up trading 3 pieces of bread for a med kit, and some pork for some water. Jin traded some wheat for a med kit and some kale for extra ammunition. Jess, who did some scavenging in empty houses and closed down stores found a bit of extra food (not much) and plenty of weapons, she left enough for the villagers who didn't seem to care at all. After grabbing what we needed, we grabbed Ross and the horses and we were off again.

Outside the village we went through what supplies we had and decided we had enough to last a few days, which would get us to Aberdeen, so it was straight to Aberdeen from here. 

"We finally get to see them again." Ross was grinning. Even I couldn't stop the laugh escaping my throat, I was beyond excited. I am just 2 days away from Alesa, Barney and Mason. 

And nothing is going to stand in my way.






Luv ya peeps!


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