Chapter 9: Help

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"Lila. Lila. Dalilah?" Bee's sharp drawl brought me back to reality.

"Huh, what?"

"You were zoned out." She pulled out her phone and began to text one of her new dead-beat friends.

"Don't start with that." I plucked the phone from her speeding thumbs.

Over the past couple days, I had tried my best to come back in to Beatrix's life. We were sisters, but it didn't feel like we were acquainted. She was so different from the Beatrix I barely knew while growing up. She had sunk into the vary thing I was at her age, confused and headstrong. But I did my part. I was afraid she would want to take after me in her plans post-high school. I could never let that happen.

"Lila! Give. Me. My. Phone. Now." She glared at me, as her phone kept buzzing.

"Look, we need to talk. Okay, I just feel responsible for you right now, and I would appreciate it if you—"

"Mr. Fireside invited me to stay. Who am I to say no?" She smiled and crossed her arms. "Now can I have my phone back?"

"How have you been?" I asked, ignoring her annoyingly typical question.

"I've been fine. It would have been nice to have a sister to guide me through high school, but you can't get everything in life."

"Bee... you know I would've if I wasn't so caught up in work." She sighed and looked down at the pattern carpet. "Mom needed the money. It ruined all of our lives, the illness."

"At least our dad got away, who ever he is," she spat, not giving any remorse.

"Don't say that."

"I can say whatever I want." She chuckled. "How was it like skipping the last year of high school. I wish I could, I even asked Mom, you know. She said no, of course. How'd you do it?"

I gaped at her. How could she think that dropping out could ever be an option? She has every opportunity and she abuses it.

I bit back my anger. "Where's your bag?"

"Over there by the T.V."

Bee was sitting on the King sized bed, the ones I would normally have to clean and straighten up. What a cruel case of irony. I rose from the armchair I was sunk in, and walked over to the other side of the room to put her phone in her bag... and have it stay there the rest of the day. She was casually flipping through the room-service manual.

Her black faux-crocodile skin bag was cluttered, but what I did find angered me beyond comprehension.

"What the hell?!" I yanked a plastic casing from her bag containing small green, dried leaves.

Bee sprung up from the bed. "That's not what it looks like."

I let out a disappointed sigh. "What happened to you?"

She walked over to me and snatched the bag from my hand. Her eyes were big and tears were brimming them. "This is my happiness."


"What have you done?" I breathed, scared, astonished, and isolated. He was right. He wasn't the man I thought he was.

"Please, try to understand," he slurred. He was crying now. "I had no choice."

"Alex, you can't say that. There must have been other ways!"

"What was I supposed to do!"


"I would change what I did in a second. I can't believe I... I..."

"Just stop. Stop, stop, stop..." I pulled at my hair with my hands."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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