Chapter 10 The Cabin War

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Brianna's POV

We planned all these different pranks. We detailed them to the greatest point. We planned how, and when to do. It was perfect. Now all we had to do is put them into action. When we finished with our plans the boys woke up.

"Hey ladies. Did you talk bout us when we were asleep", James asks while yawning.

"Nope", I reply to him.

Like who what's to talk bout you because I know that I don't. Anyways are first prank was Molly's idea. Even though she is quiet she is aslo very evil and good with coming up with ideas. It was to offer the boys some homemade Oreos and instead of filling it with icing we fill them with...... toothpaste. We already cooked the oreos then we fill the oreos with toothpaste when they weren't looking.

"You guys want some homemade oreos", I say walking out with tray fill with oreos.

"Oreos"! They all yelled in unison.

They all started to fill their mouths with oreos. They chewed then started to chew really slowly. Then they all ran to the trash can and spit it out their mouths.

"What the hell was that. That is not no oreos", Marco says.

"It's... It's oreos filled with.... Filled with", Harper says trying to get the words out.

"Harper. Tell us what it is now", Matthew demanded.

We all looked at each other and said "Its toothpaste", we all shouted and started to laugh. We were rolling on the floors, and we started to cry. We laughed so hard our stomachs were in pain. We tried to breathe for air. I think we saw the light. On the other hand the
boys weren't laughing. They looked mad and pissed.

"So why did you guys do that for. Was it some type of prank", James says taking a seat on the stool.

"Harper and Molly came up with an idea to have a Cabin War. So I decided to join them. Now were starting to prank you guys", I explained to them.

James POV

I could not believe that my own sister and her friends pranked us boys. Men really. We are strong, tall, and smart and we just got prank by a bunch of little, small girls. I was disappointed. We had to get back at them.

"Guys. We need a prank and fast", I told them.

We all went in Matthew's room to discuss what just happened.

"I agree. On top of that the girls told us that Molly was the one that came up with the prank", Marco says while throwing a ball up in the air.

"I have a perfect prank", Matthew says.

We got together and discuss what to do. We walked out the room and decided to make caramel apples. We got some apples, some caramel, sticks, and onions.

"Girls were making caramel apples want some", I offered them.

"Yea", Brianna said.

"Sounds good", Molly says.

"Yes please", Harper said

20 minutes later

We took the tray of apples and onions to the living room and placed them on the table. Remembering where the apples are we took them while the girls picked the "apples".

We all had taken a bite. The girls took bite after bite after bite. Nothing seemed wrong. So we took a bite and then we realized that we had the caramel onions. We ran to the trash can and spit out the chewed up onions with caramel.

"You guys tried to prank us but it didn't work", Harper says pointing at us.

"I don't know what's worse. Caramel onions or Oreos toothpaste", Matthew said.

"How did we get the wrong one's", I said sounding sad and confused.

"Well.... When you guys placed the tray down and went in the kitchen to get the bowl of extra caramel we knew you guys were pranking us, we just played it like we didnt know. Anyways I turned the tray around to were the apples were on our side and the onions were on your side", Brianna explains to us.

They all high-fived each other while the boys just sit on the couch.

"Next time boys", Harper says.

"2 to 0", Brianna says reminding us of the scores.

"You guys want to have a snowball fight", Molly says.

She was trying to cheer us up. We may not be good at pranking but we will get them. Also they don't know that there going to get beat at this snowball fight.

"Be ready to be beat", I say putting on my gloves then my hat.

"Ok. You keep saying that", Harper says opening the door as we all follow her outside.

Harper gets a snowball and throws it at Marco.

"Thats what you get for hitting me yesterday", she says sticking her tongue at Marco.

We all just started to fight and throw snowballs. We actually got 25 minutes for making a fort and some snowballs. Lets just say that the girls....... Lost.

Hey guys. Just wanted to update a chapter. Whooooo! We reached double digits today. This is the 10th chapter of Is loving a bad boy wrong? I will make more chapters. This book isn't ending anytime soon. A fact about me is......

1. I love caramel apples. But I like the skin of the apple cut then dipped into caramel.
2. I actually lived in New york and when it was cold I always use to have snowball fights with my brother and my mom. Then I will have some hot coco.

Anyways. I updated a chapter of Forever Lost today so read that too. Bye. Vote, comment, and FOLLOW.

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