Now on to Artemis... Finally,
"Artemis its your turn what would you like get?"
"Dat one, dat one, and dat one" Artemis said pointing to random plane green and gray shirt she liked.
"These are all plain, do you want one with a design too?" Dinah asked pulling out a gray shirt with gold arrows on it.
"I don't cawe just no pink ow puwple." Artemis said shrugs then turning away to talk to M'gann.
Dinah continued to put things in the cart that Artemis had asked but she decided to play a trick just too see if Artemis was paying attention. She started to load the sparkliest neon pink shirts you've ever seen.
Almost instantly she turned around, stomped to cart, pulled out the pink shirt, through it on the ground and yelled
It took Dinah everything not to laugh, but instead she picked up the shirt and said
"I was kidding, I would never buy that for you,"
Artemis glared at her before walking off the M'gann.

Finally, it was Zatanna's turn, another easy one, not to mention her father gave her a list of do buys and do not buys for Zatanna.
She laughed pulling it out.
The whole league, except Batman and Zatara, had decided to see had decided to see who the most over protective father was. They kept score and everything! Batman was hardly winning by two points. They had been keeping track since the first time Robin was in the watchtower. That was about 5 years ago, they both had thousands of points by now!
Anyway, back to shopping.
Dinah read the list and frowned, she wasn't allowed much freedom in her choices. Oh well!
She picked out seven outfit all meeting the guid line of what Zatara asked for.
"Finally! We are officially done with clothing!"  Dinah said giving Barry a high five. She took the cart from Diana and said. "Your turn,"

Diana took the lead as they walked into the ToysRus section, grabbed a few baby toys for Zatanna and Robin on the way to the other side of the huge store.
They decided that the kids could get two toys each.
Barry took the boys, Diana took the girls.

"Okay! So what shall it be," Diana asked
"I want dis!!" Artemis yelled holding up a fake bow and arrow set.
"Okay, what else?" Diana asked putting the toy in the cart.
Artemis looked around for something she liked when she spotted an alice in wonderland doll. She pick it up and looked at the box, it had a brush and a cheshire cat too. "Dis," she said look at Diana in the eyes. She smiled not truly understanding the real meaning behind the doll.
Next was M'gann who instantly went for a 'Hello Megan' doll, then she took Diana's hand and dragged her to the little bakers section and pointed to an easy bake oven. "I want that," She said still pointing. "Whats the magic word?" Diana asked before grabbing it. "Pleaaase??" M'gann asked with puppy dog eyes. "Of course," Diana said takin the oven along with a few baking treats to make.

👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻With the boys👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻

"Wally! If you run off one more time your going to sit with Robin in the cart in time out!" Barry yelled chasing after Wally who decided he wanted to look at the bikes. "But dis is bowing!" Wally wined walking back to the cart with Barry tightly holding his hand so he could run off. "I know but we have to do this, but now you get to get two toys," Barry said. "Two!!" Wally said with excitement. Barry nodded as they headed to the toys. "Kaldur, since you've been so good, your first. "Okay, um may I have these?" Kaldur said picking up a box of mechanical fish. "Yes, and one more thing," Barry said throwing the toy into the cart. Kaldur looked around to see a bag of toy sea creatures, then he grabbed it and placed it in the cart.
"Good job. Okay Conner it's your turn," Barry said turning to the small boy. Totally unexpectedly, he did the cutest thing! He grabbed a superman plushy! Barry was shocked but couldn't stop smiling. It was the cutest darn thing this kid had ever done! "Okay one more Con," Barry said throwing the toy into the cart. Next he grabbed a giant box of legos and put them in the cart. People around looked at the boy in awe. That was a really heavy box, and a three year lifted like it was nothing! The secret hero wasn't paying attention because Wally was gone, again. Lucky he was far. Three isles down. "Wally! What did I tell you!" Barry said getting down on Wally's level. "Not to run a way," Wally muttered with his head down. "Then why did you do it?" Barry said. Wally shrugged. "Now you get a time out, I told you twice now, no. Come on," Barry said pick up a now crying Wally and placing him next to Robin. "Nooo!! I don't wanna!!" Wally cried. "Time out for 3 minutes, Ill choose you toys now, we need to go," Barry said while walking down to the isle with the toys Wally would want. First he picked a Flash costume and next a science for kids set, Wally banging and kicking the cart the whole time. "Wallace do it again and your time out will be longer," Barry scolded. Wally kicked again and yelled "no!" "Wallace Rudolf West! I said no! Now you get two more minutes." Barry said. Wally cried but Barry ignored it. Soon enough they met up with the girls and got ready to pay.
"Whats wrong with Wally?" Dinah asked. "Time out," he replied. She nodded. After they paid they all met outside.

"Every one here?" Agent A asked.
"Yup!," Dinah said, "lets go home,"


Hey, this chapter is cut off a little short because I'm leaving for a month and I really need to update so here it is! Hope you all like. Again sorry for the late update! I wont be back for a month but I'll start the next chapter when I get back! Comment some ideas!!! Thanks byeeeë


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