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In the morning it was Tuesday. I got up to get ready for school, like usual. Donut jumped on my bed and started kneading my leg. I petted her yellow fur with one hand while I brushed my yellow hair with the other.

"Hi, Donut," I said.  She looked at me and started to purr louder as I petted her fuzzy cheek.

I then picked her up and cradled her in my arms so I could walk to the kitchen. On the way I nearly tripped when Domino ran past my feet—nearly dropping Donut in the process.

I groaned. "So it's going to be one of those days."

"It's going to one of what days?" asked mom as she exited the bathroom.

"A tripping-over-the-cat kind of day," I replied with a roll of my eyes. My hair was probably purple.

"Oh, before I forget, Teddy and dad called last night."

My hair turned yellow as I turned around to look at her. Donut, fur white, jumped from my arms and ran under the couch. "Really?" I asked.

"I told him you were doing well. They made it safely. And Teddy says hi, by the way."

I frowned and my hair turned blue. "That's it? Just hi? Nothing about the trip?"

"No. Nothing. Sorry sweetie."

"It's okay." I then grabbed my bag, said goodbye to mom and the cats, and left on my way to school.

When I walked through the doors I was attacked by bodies. I screamed and my hair turned white.

"Got you!" yelled Tessa. She was the only one not laughing her lungs out.

Jonah, on the other hand, was rolling around on the floor, having a fit. His hair was a bright yellow and tears were streaming down his face and flicking onto his glasses.

"Jonah, are you going to be okay?" asked Tessa.

I crossed my arms. "It wasn't that funny," I grumbled. My hair was purple.

When Jonah just continued to laugh and roll around, Tessa turned to me and said, "We saw your hair was blue, so we thought you'd need some cheering up."

I laughed. "Thanks."

Jonah finally got it together and came up to us. "So why were you so,"—he paused for effect—"blue?" He started laughing again and I rolled my eyes.

"Puns, Jonah, you run on them," laughed Tessa. "But really Opal, why were you sad?"

"Teddy went with dad on some stupid trip and he called last night when I was sleeping, and all he said was hi. I was just disappointed. I wanted to know more about the trip."

"Maybe he doesn't know either," suggested Jonah. "Besides, you should be happy they made it okay."

Then the bell rang, signalling that we needed to get to class. I threw my stuff in my locker quickly and then rushed to L.A. Once we were all seated, I noticed that a desk--the desk--that was always empty had a person sitting in it. A girl sitting in it.

"Class, this is Deborah. She is a new student," said the teacher.

Deborah looked really bored. And her hair was brown. She waved once at the class and continued to stare at the board.

I figured she wouldn't cause any problems.

Class started then, and after fifty minutes the bell rang and we were dismissed. We went to our next class, and Deborah still had brown hair. I didn't really know for sure what that meant exactly, but I was pretty sure it was boredom.

After that, I noticed her hair didn't ever change from brown. I was suspicious of her, but I let it go.

Then it was time to go home.

"See you tomorrow Opal!" Tessa called after me as I left the school.

"Bye!" I called behind me.

Just as I was rounding the corner, Jonah came up beside me, panting.

"Opal, please slow down," he said between gasps.

"Sorry," I said, then abruptly stopped walking.

He tripped on my foot and we both screamed as his face gained contact with the ground.

"Jonah! I'm sorry!"

"Ow," he groaned. His hair was pink—embarrassment. "That's embarrassing."

I laughed. "Even in pain you're hilarious," I commented.


"So how come you're not walking with Tessa?"

"Mm," he said, then sat up and dug in his pockets. "You dropped this." He handed me an eraser.

"Thanks, but I don't remember dropping—or even having—one of these. Maybe it's someone else's?"

"Oh. Well in that case, there was no reason for me to run out here and fall on my face."

I cringed. "Sorry, again."

"It's alright. Well anyway, see you." He then got up off the ground and headed back the way he came.

"Bye Jonah."

I still had the eraser in my hand, so I shoved it in my pocket and continued on to my house. When I got there, mom was drinking some coffee.

"Hey mom," I said as I dropped my bag off on the table.

"There's some hot chocolate for you on the counter, I made it a couple minutes ago, so it should still be hot. There are marshmallows in the cupboard."

"Yesss," I whispered. I picked up the cup and took a sip. "Thanks mom."

"You're welcome sweetie."

At that moment Donut and Domino came running from my room.

"Hey babies, did you miss me?" I petted them then headed to my room and sat on my bed. My hair was yellow and I was nice and toasty with my hot chocolate when my mom turned up the tv.

"A new discovery has been made. Doctor Quey has found out that brown means boredom." The volume went down again and I yelled,

"I knew it!"

Mom laughed. "Maybe you should join them with Jonah when you grow up."

I laughed back. "Maybe."

Then the phone rang.

"Hello?" I heard mom answer the phone. "Oh, hi Teddy. Yes she's home. Okay, I'll tell her. Okay. Love you, bye. Opal, phone for you!"

I rushed out of bed and took the phone. "Teddy?"



What do you think Teddy wants to tell Opal?

What do you think of Tessa and Jonah?

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