Surprise Meeting

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Sender : Yatogami Kuroh 
Subject : Top Secret Message for your eyes only !

Hello ~ This is Shiro speaking ☆
I've hijacked my lovely wife's phone to tell you that we've been sent on an important mission and are on our way to the big city to pick up some supplies for the cultural festival ! We tried contacting you a few times actually, but it seems you didn't pick up, were you sleeping lolol │・ω・') Anyway, Kuroh was saying that you'd get worried if we left without a word so he insisted we said something, so here it is ! He also wanted me to remind you to go back to the dorm as soon as you read this since we won't be around and it could get dangerous. We'll get you some snacks once we return so don't get mad that you couldn't come with us, alright ? (ノ≧ڡ≦) 

Lots of love, Shiro and the gang (๑╹ڡ╹)╭ ~ ♡

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22 minutes ago. They hadn't left for long, there was still a chance for me to catch up if I ran. 

No, before I could even do that, there were still a few pressing issues I still had to clean up, one of which was the fact that I had yet to change out of the costume for the cultural festival. Although I had reduced the original costume down to just the furisode with the obi wrapped loosely around the waist, the striking vibrancy of the lone white crane surrounded by red spider lilies, delicate pink peonies and golden chrysanthemums against the midnight darkness of the fabric was still something that would easily catch the eye of people passing by. Especially since I was going to have to make my way to the big city while dodging the watchful eye of SCEPTER4 at the same time, wearing something like this there wasn't exactly the best choice. 

The second much smaller problem was, of course, the blood-stained shirt lying on the floor.

Gently, I brushed my fingertips against the shirt and it immediately began to fade as I sent it into the Parthenon. Totsuka would be surprised probably to suddenly see something of this sort falling from the sky, and for a second, I felt a hint of guilt creeping up as I realized that I had just condemned him to a wasteland of sorts, with little else but the stone ruins and now, the shirt the one who killed him had been wearing.

I'll apologize to him once I got back, I promised to myself quietly as I slipped on the pair of red-strapped geta and prepared to find some way to sneakily return and retrieve my uniform. 

" Hey, you there, stop for a moment. " A voice commanded loudly the exact moment I took a step outside the entrance. 

" That conspicuous attire ... are you really a student of this school ? " The voice continued with a hint of suspicion and I heard a series of firm footsteps making their way over, eventually coming to a stop right beside me. 

Hurriedly, I kept my head down, hiding my face with my hair as I considered the best plan of action. I was confident it wasn't a voice belonging to any of the students here, especially since I had made pains to go around identifying each and every one of them in the first few days in order to properly put down a name to each and every face and voice, and that meant where the owner of this voice came from could easily be narrowed down to just a few organizations.

I could figure out his identity and where his loyalty lay later. Right now, what was important was finding a way to escape this situation. 

" Lift your head and let me confirm your identity. Any attempts at resistance will not be tolerated. "

Was he armed ? If so, with what ? If it was just a blunt object or a small blade, I'd be able to disarm him without much effort, but if it was something with a range that extended a little further like a whip or a gun, then the possibilities of me being able to get out of this uninjured would be close to impossible given the distance between the two of us now. 

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