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"No, please stop, don't do this, please" I heard another desperate wail, cries and pleas being emitted from my parents room. I was too scared, too terrified to see what was happening so I just clung onto my teddy bear even tighter than I already was.

"Aggggggrrhhhhh" the sound created shock waves and sent vibrations under my door so that the fibres of my legs felt it.
I covered my ears with my sweaty palms and shut my eyes, tears streaming down my face, making my eyes red and the tears leaving trails marking their presence. I thought maybe I could block it out, it would all go away. I was deep in denial.

Then it went silent. I removed my hands from my ears and listened for anything that could do me harm. I place my teddy to the side and stood up with unsteady legs. I shuffled my feet along my carpet and breathed quite, quivering breathes. Once I got to the door, I placed my cold hand on the handle of my door and slowly turned it, I tilt my head to the side to peek around the corner. I've never regretted anything more in my life. Shrill scream leaves my lips which catches my parents attention.

They turn around and look at me, the glimmer that came from the moon met their eyes, making their eyes look like two live orbs in a desolated dark room, but they couldn't look more dead to me.

"Honey look at me" my mothers sweet voice calls out, she motions her hands towards me but whatever she was holding fell to the ground, my eyes followed the mysterious object but winced when it fell onto a limp, lifeless body covered in a sticky liquid that had a compulsive aroma coming from it.

"Mommy what's....what's that?" As I pointed to the floor towards the man. My dad walked over to mother and dropped his arm around her waist.

"Sweetheart, he was just a bad man" his sickly sweet voice filled the room, his lying, manipulative voice.

"No! Stop it your lying stop lying to me" I cried out at them, tears once again streaming down my face, only to roll off and hit the floor.

"Stop being such a crybaby" my mother warned me, ignore her I ran back into my room and locked my door. I weakly threw myself onto my bed and grabbed my teddy bear. I rolled onto my back and lifted him up, the Moonlight making him visible.
"Teddy bear everything used to be so sweet" I moved onto my side and threw my bed covers over my head to trap myself in my own universe trying to forget about reality.

As I was about to drift off the sounds of sirens from outside my window alarmed me but my parents more as they ran into my room and tried to shield me with their bodies, but their clothes was saturated in the sticky liquid and I couldn't help but cry because the liquid was getting onto me and that I finally knew what my parents were.


"Get off me get off!!!" I squealed loudly as the terror was rising in me. I couldn't breathe, they weren't hiding me anymore the were suffocating me, the stench off the liquid which I had now identified as blood wasn't helping either. My dad growled as pushed himself off of me pulling mother off with him.

" Why can't you just be quiet!?! Just for once, stop be such a fucking crybaby" he raised his hand and swung, he slapped the right side of my face but he slapped so hard I hit my head off the bedstand. Also because I was breathless from the suffocating "protection" the hit my head induced was enough to knock me out, the last thing I remember was  my mother hitting my father and two policemen walking away with my parents in handcuffs and a women lifting me up in her strong, sweaty arms but then everything when black.


It was the first thing I saw as I shot up from my slumber in the uncomfortable bed of my lonely dorm room. Light streamed through the window past the white curtains that were really pointless to be honest an-

"Melanie dear up up now, aren't you excited it's your release day"


Short, I know but I wanted a cliff hanger ending and that seems good, plus it's the first chapter so yea ^_^ btw if you notice the names on the side of the cover, Claire is my friend who was going to write the story but gave it to me thus deserving a shout out and Ciara is my friend who did the amazing cover for me.

SOOOooOo without further a do I present crybaby!!!! That was less exciting than I hoped for....

Btw if you don't know who Melanie Martinez is -_- *slowly judging you* jk but you should seriously listen to her music is amaaaaaaazing. Yep there should be more famous faces you might know that will come up.




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