"Oh no. It's no problem," I stutter. I forcefully lift my head slowly to give the blush on my cheeks time to settle. "Where do you sit?"

Gaining side eyes from my friends at the table, I push away to move beside Sergio's seat. Of course I already knew exactly where he sat. I can't appear interested though. For now, I'll follow his cute behind. Damn his thankful smile is killing me.

"I don't know why it's hard for me," He says shyly.

I let a smile slip through. What's this guy got to worry about? He's smart, and clearly capable of handling psychology. I realize he's right. This class should be the least of his worries. I wonder why it isn't.

"Well, I agreed to help didn't I? Show me where you're having problems."

Sergio smiles, "Gladly."

I sit in the college diner sometime later, Sergio by my side. I can tell that he's one of the friendliest people anyone could meet. Always surrounding him are friends. A smile seems to be permanently fixated to his beautiful, dark lips. His aura is one of peace. Sergio isn't the type to confront anyone, but that doesn't mean he won't fight back. He stands on his own while completely enveloped in his own personal style. Said style typically consists of slicked back straight black hair, a thin gold chain hung around his neck, and a V-neck or t- shirt perfectly joined by denim jeans. Yes, he is that simple and yet has such an impact on me. Yes, I also admit to gawking at him that much.

"You know," Sergio begins, drawing me from my daydream. "I don't quite understand you."

He drops a fry from his fingers carelessly onto the tray. I watch him take a swig of his water.

"How so?" I humor him.

"You're actually a nice guy when you talk to people. So why don't you reach out and have more friends?"

I smirk. Sergio's officially Mr. Popularity in my head.

"The strength in the pack is the wolf, and the strength in the wolf is the pack. I'm picky with who I give my time to. I'd rather have a few good and loyal friends, than many acquaintances. No offense to you."

Sergio's bottom lip juts out slightly while he takes in my words.

"None taken, Ty. Anyway, when do all your classes finish up? I'd like to see if I can prove myself worthy to join this pack of yours."

Wait, what? Please tell me I'm dreaming. If I am, don't wake me up. This is too good to be true. The friendliest, most wonderful, great butt of a guy that I'm crushing on wants to be my friend?

"You actually want to hang out outside of class? You know it's only been one day. I can be pretty annoying," I mumble in disbelief. The inside of me screams for me to shut my mouth before I scare him away.

Sergio simply smiles as he rises, tray in hand.

"Nonsense. I like you. You're fun, and cute," He responds quickly and winks. Wait. Stop right there. Sergio Heron winked at me. Kill me now. I'll die happy. I don't believe my body or my mouth moves in response to Sergio. However, the man himself gets up to toss out his tray with an excuse of, "Need to get home now."

I sit stunned in my seat for nearly fifteen minutes while the wheels in my head spin to the rhythm of new possibilities. Is there actually a chance that Sergio could like me? I shake my head, trashing my lunch before walking towards my next class. How in the hell am I going to wipe this stupid smile off my face before I see Hayley?

It's not even a second. A millisecond after my foot crosses the threshold into our apartment Hayley stands across from me, hands on her hips.

"What happened in class today, Ty?" She asks, her eyebrows raised. A wicked, knowing smile dances on her pink lips.

"Wouldn't you like to know, mother?" I tease, thumping her in the center of her forehead. I move past her, dropping my black book bag onto the navy blue leather couch.

"I would actually. Although I assume it has to do with Sergio."

I roll my eyes at her spot on guess. My room, especially my bed, is calling my name right about now.

"If you want to talk about this, I suggest you get to the point."

She smirks. "I know about him asking you for help. Plus, I talked to Sergio too."

I sigh exasperated, taking hold of her wrist in my hand. In less than a minute we're inside my generic bedroom. I point to my bed, a simple metal framed thing covered by grey colored sheets.

"Sit," I mumble the command.

She drops herself at the same time I lean into my black desk chair.

"Speak, and don't you try to leave anything out," I demand tiredly.

"Oh why, because you like Sergio?"

Woman, why do you do these things?

"Yes," I admit. "I quite like him actually. Now spill it."

She claps her hands excitedly, pleased by my admittance.

"He pulled me to the side later on in the day, near when my classes end, and asked me questions about you. Your favorite book, genre of music, color, animal-."

"Wolf," I mutter.

Hayley glares.

"Yes, yes I told him that. Anyway, once he figured out we were roommates he took down our address. You should invite him to dinner sometime because I believe he's going to come over soon."

"Okay enough," I settle, slightly bewildered from the entire day. Hayley stops, but still smiles devilishly. I get the feeling Sergio didn't ask for our address. Somehow she offered the information to him. Whatever it may be, Hayley excuses herself from my room, claiming some late worksheets need to be done.

I lay down onto my bed, still warm from where Hayley was. Inside my head the entire events of today run ramped through my thoughts. Still, the heavy feeling of oncoming sleep blooms across my mind. I succumb willingly and allow my wild imagination to conjure scenes involving Sergio and I as I slip into unconsciousness.

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