1: Time To Take Flight

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I had been called to New Jersey for a family emergency, but I didn't expect to find love there.

I was sitting at Gate 4 in the Lexington Airport, waiting for my flight to arrive so I could go to New Jersey. My mom told me to go alone. She always nagged me and told me that "you're too old now Misa, you're 18, start being more independent," it's bugged the shit outta me.

I was scrolling through my phone, checking for who I'm supposed to look for when I land in New Jersey. I was told to stay at my cousin Ken and Ana's house. Ken is 21 and Ana is 16.

Ana and I go way back. We used to sneak into Ken's room and destroy is little action figures. Ken always got mad at Ana and sometimes took his little hands and slapped her. He never physically hurt me, but he used to tell me that I'm gonna have to pay back for what I did when I was older. Yea right, as if.

They finally called my plane and I boarded on quickly, and honestly, I was scared as fuck.

It was about mid October so it got cold pretty fast. I slipped my sweatshirt on and stared out the window.

My friend Katie apparently has a thing for Ken and she also lives in New Jersey. She says that he's changed a lot since I've last seen him and that once I've seen him, he's the one you'll want. Honestly, I always thought of Ken as the one weird his with messed up hair and very chubby fingers, no body figure at all either.

About two hours passed and I finally landed in New Jersey. I got off the plane and started looking for Ana.

"Misa!!! Over here!!!" I spun around to the voice of the sound and see Ana there. I smile and quickly grab my items and rush over there. I give her a tight hug and ask how she's doing.

"Where's Ken?" I ask while trying to gather all my things

"Oh he's in the car, but don't worry about him!"

I laugh a little. "So what's the emergency?"

"My parents are out of town for at least two years because of business and the asked Ken and I to choose somebody to take care of us."

"But Ken is older than me, he can take care of you, can't he?l"

"Well... Yea but I really missed you and I wanted you to be close by to us."

I smile at her words and we both head into the car.

"Ken told me that when you come, I have to sit in the back, it's more manner full."

"Oh?" I hesitate and open the car door and see a man in the drivers seat.

This can't be Ken. All his chubby fragments disappeared, I see a fit body and a well cut hair-do, and amazing face features. I catch my self staring and try to think of something to say.

I sit inside and clear my throat. "Hi Ken, it's been sometime."

He doesn't look at me, he just stares at the road and starts the car.

"Yes, it has. Welcome to New Jersey by the way."


"Ana I have to go to the gym so I'm just going to drop you and Misa at home, is that okay?" He asks Ana and interprets me.

"Just stay home today please!!! Just use the treadmill and weights a home today okay? Misa is here and I think it's not very manner full to leave a guest like that, also-"

"Okay, okay, just shut up."

Not only has his appearance changed but also his attitude towards me and his own sister has changed.

For the rest of the car ride, everyone is silent and it feels super awkward to me

Coughs that's was one, but if you find incest wrong or have something against it please don't read this, this is supposed to be an imaginative little romance story. I don't advise you to read if you have something wrong with incest. Other than that: enjoy!! ^v^

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