(Eva) "What are you two talking about?"

(Alpha) "See we're the resident weirdo freaks of the school and not very many people like us."

(Kami) "No one actually, but in any case we don't want you girls getting hurt because today, it's dodge-balls. Oh joy."

(Alpha) "Kami's very sarcastic when he wants to be, but other than that he's really cool, we've been friends for so many years we're like brothers."

(Kami) "Yeah, [at the corner of the school] okay wait here."

[Kami and Alpha walking forward still as Eva and Cassie wait behind]

(Fb.Player#1) "Hey there they are pelt'em!"

[the football team throwing water balloons at them]

[In the school at their lockers]

(Eva) "You guys suffer through that everyday?"

(Alpha) "Yeah, see the school mascot is a cat, but we love wolves. So that's one reason they hate us."

(Kami) "The other is our names, which by the way mine is Japanese and his is a wolf term used to identify the lead of a wolf pack, alpha."

(Cassie) "Okay, but how is Kami Japanese?"

(Kami) "It's actually an abbreviation of the word Ookami, which is Japanese for wolf. See my mom was Japanese and my dad, well I don't know my dad left when I was born, same with Als."

(Cassie) "Oh, we're so sorry, but I don't get it why hate you guys for that?"

(Alpha) "It's high school, they're the football team, do they need a reason to do anything?"

(Kami) "But I was right about one thing, meeting you two means that our luck is finally looking up."

[later that night, in the forest outside the city]

(Rave) "Hey Fang, long time brother."

(Fang) "Yes. So any luck?"

(Rave) "Yes my wife is amazing she's beautiful, smart, intuitive, out going,.."

(Fang) "So basically, she's a female version of you?"

(Rave) "Basically. And she got pregnant and we have a son."

(Fang) "Same with my wife. Our son was perfectly healthy, from what I could gather from the window, I couldn't bare to hold him only to have to leave."

(Rave) "Yes, same here, but something interesting happened with my wife that I'm sure you're already aware of."

(Fang) "After the mating and the birth she gained our wolf powers, yes, she could always smell when I was near and wanted to speak to her alone, but now the bad part these humans, they're a savage, primitive race. Only a rare few that I have seen show compassion for their own kind let alone others, our sons will be worse than us. We need to..."

(Rave) "No. When their powers emerge, then they will find out who and what they are, and what they were born to do. I just hope it's in time."

(Ferian#1) "Stupid dogs, (Rave and Fang looking up at him) We're already here, and once we find your mutt sons we'll kill them."

(Rave) (Softly chuckling) "Foolish cat, you'd never find them in time. For a wolf gets his powers at 19. And they turn 19 in 12 more minutes, you'd never find them in time."

(Ferian) "We won't have too, we'll just follow the sounds of destruction."

(laughing and leaving)

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