chapter 1

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"Abigail!!! Abigail!!!, get your ass out of bed right now. Or you will be walking to school!!!". I heard my adoptive brother Carlton yelled from down stairs.

I jumped out of bed quickly, however my feet got stuck in the covers and I landed right on my face.

"Mother fucker" I yelled holding my forehead.

I finally got up and ran to the bathroom. I took a quick shower. Not because I was late but because Carlton used up all the warm water.

That stupid asshole.

I brushed my hair and pulled it in a high ponytail. Pulled on my sunflower dress. I called it that because it had sunflower on it but whateves. Grabbed my bag and cell phone and ran downstairs.

At reaching the last step I could smell the ackee and codfish being fried. Mr and Mrs Holmes adopted me last year after my mom and dad died. My family is Jamaican and our family was friends with the Holmes and they would visit us all the time. When my parents met in the fatal car accident the Holmes adopted me. I used their last name, so I won't draw attention to myself and Carlton. Even though people may notice that I am Jamaican and he's American, but whateves.

I ran in the kitchen to Mrs Holmes or Mrs H that's what I call her.

"I can't believe your cooking my favorite meal" I said hugging her waist from behind.

"Today is your first day honey, I want you to have a special day starting with a special meal". She said turning around and kissing me on the forehead.

"Abs would you hurrying up, we're already late". Carlton said opening the front door and stepping out.

"Coming carl" I said giggling because I know he hates when I call him that.

"Don't call me that" I heard him shout from outside.

I burst out laughing, while he glared at me as I closed the door behind me.

It was a long and noisy ride to school as me and Carlton argued about what song we should play on the radio. Long story short he ended up with a bruise on his neck where bit him. And I ended up with a headache after he hit me upside the head with his big hands .

Stupid Carlton.

We finally reached school. It was big and painted in full red the gate walls were bricks, and the two big iron gates had middle east high school written on it.

OK stay calm Abby. Look on the bright side atleast you have Carlton to walk in with.

I turned around and Carlton was no where to be seen.

That cock sucking jerk left me. He going to pay for this later.

I Took deep breathes and started for the entrance of the school.

As I stepped in the halls everything went quiet.

"Well fuck me ". I muttered to myself. And continued to head to the administration office. At least Carlton was kind enough to tell me this morning at home.

As I passed I heard whispers, I got a few wolf whistles, and a few glares from some girls.

What the fuck did I do to them.

After reaching the administration office I started tapping on the glass.

A middle age blond lady with very full lips a big brown hazel eyes like mines. Typing away on her Samsung s3.

"Excuse me" I said. But she didn't look up from her phone.

"Excuse me!!" I yelled this time causing her to jump and fell right out her chair. I bite down my lips to hold back my laugh.

"Are you trying to scare the shit out of me" she said obviously not realizing that she just sweared in front of a student. It was seconds later she realize and clamped her hand over her mouth.

"How my I help you" she said quickly.

"I am Abigail Holmes, I am here to collect my schedule" I said smiling at her reaction.

"Are you Mrs crystal Holmes daughter" she said with her eyes wide open.

"Yes I am " I said looking at her realizing that she knows that Mrs H is one of the most famous designer in America.

"Omg " she said her eyes glistening with excitement.

"I am such a huge fan, your mom is really talented " she continued.

I smiled at her and nodded my head slightly.

She eventually gave me my schedule after babbling about Mrs H dresses, and also about her trip to Paris.

Which I do not know why it ended up in our conversation anyways. But whateves.

I started off down the corridor to find my first class. Which is maths.

Well isn't life great.

I continued down the corridor with my eyes focused on my paper when I collided with something hard that felt like a door, and landed on my butt.

Great move Abigail your first day and already your trying to kill yourself.

This is my first boom hope y'all like it

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