Another Wolf

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As the gray wolf was running,there was a male wolf running behind him,so the Gray Wolf ran even more speed,and as he ran fast as he can. He was starting to get tired but the wolf behind him looks like he isn't running out of energy at all,the Gray Wolf stopped,and looked behind him,since the Gray wolf stopped the wolf behind him stopped also! The wolf that was behind him was starring at the Gray Wolf,then he came closer,the Gray Wolf tried to run again but this time,he tripped over a rock and injured his leg,the poor Gray Wolf was crawling,as the wolf gets closer and closer,finally the wolf that was running behind him touched the Gray Wolf's injured leg,the Gray Wolf cried.

The wolf carried the gray wolf with his mouth.

The Wolf carried the Gray wolf into a cave but a different cave,inside it was warm and comfy.The wolf put down the gray wolf,got a leaf and put it over the Gray wolf's injured leg. The leaf was actually making the leg feel better.After the gray wolf got better,the wolf made him follow him. The wolf gave Gray wolf a piece of meat that he found. The gray wolf ate the whole thing,finally he wasn't starving no more. After the gray wolf ate,the wolf and the gray wolf began hunting together.

The gray wolf was glad that the wolf didn't attack him for entering his territory. That's when the gray wolf and the other wolf started working together like best friends!

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