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(Don't mind the girl in the picture but the dress is what the picture is for)

Shido's P.O.V.

"Come on, we need you here. There's been another spacequake, which mean's heh, that there's a new spirit in town." Kotori said through my phone. "Yeah, I'm on my way." I answered back. I had heard the sirens go off telling everyone to evacuate. I had to hurry.

"Finally..." I said when I got to the secret organization known as the Ratatosker. "You took your time idiot." Kotori said with a smirk as she turned around in her chair. I lowly growled. "Honestly, sometimes you can be a real pain." I said with a sigh.

Truth is I deeply care about my sister and even though she has a bossy attitude when she's in "Commander Mode" and her often questionable advice to me during matters concerning spirits, I still love my sister very much.

"Whatever, idiot." Kotori said and turned the big screen in front of her on. The screen turns on revealing a beautiful spirit. My eyes widened in shock. "This is the new spirit that your going to make fall in love with you and seal her powers." Kotori explained and pointed to the girl in battle with the AST squad.

But she was mostly battling Origami Tobiichi. This girl, is different then any other spirit I've ever encountered. She had chocolate skin that went beautifully with her silky long black hair that flowed to her waist. It was curled and she wore a white dress. It had flowers formed together over her shoulder to her waist. The white dress had laces and curls on it making it look like a wedding dress.

She was really beautiful. "Looks, like my brothers the one in love." said Kotori who had been eying me the whole time. I blushed in embarrassment. "W-What are you talking about." I said trying to cover my embarrassment up but I failed.

Kotori laughed and grabbed a strawberry lollipop. " I cant wait to see how this turns out." Kotori said and popped the lollipop in her mouth. "We'll wait for next time she attacks to take action. Right now, lets just focus on how much power she has and how hard she'll be to handle." Kotori said and I nodded in agreement.

??? P.O.V

Why wont they just leave me alone!! I aimed at origami once more with my gastraphetes (A hand-held crossbow). I fired furiously at her leaving explosions with every bow. It didn't matter if I ran out of bows because more would appear.

Origami jumped and flipped in the air towards me. I glared and threw my gastraphetes in the air. I caught it back and my once gastraphetes was now a gleaming sword. "AHHHH!!!" Origami yelled as she swung her weapon at me but I dodged it with my sword. "Damn it!" Origami yelled and jumped back.

This girl was getting on my last nerves. I was tired of fighting this girl. it was getting boring. I swung my sword to the ground causing multiple explosions following towards her but she jumped in the air. "Why can you just leave me alone!!!" I yelled and raised my sword in the air.

Origami widened her eyes as she noticed that my sword had changed. It had gotten more silver, more sharper, and more powerful. I could feel my body on fire and my heart filled with hatred. I despised this girl. I swung it again on the ground but this time it was different.

Again, multiple explosions appeared but a purple blaze followed it as well. I heard her yell and smoke covered up the scene. I closed my eyes awaiting to see what would happen. When I opened my eyes I wasn't there anymore. Again. I'm back here again. I'm sleeping again.

Shido's P.O.V.

My gosh, this might be the most powerful spirit I've ever dealt with. That swing amost killed Origami! "Kotori, are you sure I can handle her." I asked. She was beautiful but beautifully dangerous as well. "Yeah, she'll be a challenge but we can handle her." Kotori said not sounding the bit of shock in her voice.

I nervously gulped. I hope so.....

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