Take a break

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"Muumm" I called as I walked down the hallway of my house "naatthaann" I checked his room, nothing. "Daad?" I tried one last time but again, nothing. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the bench.

"Morning Mads,

We've taken Nathan to football. We won't be back till later. Be good.

Love mum x"

I put the note back down and went back to my room. I checked my phone and saw I had a new message from Ash

"From: Asshhttoonn

Morning gorgeous. I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? You could come to mine or I could come to yours, it's up to you x"

I smiled realising the fact that me and Ash had hardly spent a day apart since we'd started the game. I realised, the more time I spent with Ashton the more I fell for him. The more I fell in love with him. But of course, I couldn't tell him that because then he would win the game. I started to wonder how much longer we could go on without being caught I mean, the aim of the game is to not get caught but you can't be sure that no one has seen or will see you. I replied to Ash telling him to come to mine since my parents weren't home. He arrived about 30 minutes later.

"I bought movies and chocolate, just like old times" he smiled as he entered my house. " I say, we forget about the game today, Lets take a break. It'll be just like old times you know" he smiled putting everything down and wrapping his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug.

"Sounds good" I smiled pulling away from the hug. We both sat down on the couch once Ashton had put the first movie on, the breakfast club (if you haven't seen it, you should. It's an amazing movie!) i broke the block of chocolate up placing it on the table In front of us. Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I cuddled into his side breathing in his familiar scent. Ash missed my forehead before turning his attention back to the movie.

"Remember when we were little and we would always tell eachother 'I love you'?" Ashton asked looking at me once the movie was over

"Ash we were saying that right up until the other week when we find out we liked eachother more than friends" I laughed

"Yea I know" ash smiled "but, I mean when we were really little like 5 and we would hold hands and say it to eachother all the time do you think then we knew we might really fall in love with eachother?" He questioned

"I don't know Ash. I know I always liked you but I never thought you would ever like me back" I replied truthfully. Ashton lent forward pressing his lips to mine. Ash ran his hand up my thigh as I tangled my fingers in his hair. He pulled me onto his lap as he lent backwards, his back pressed firm against the back of the couch as he held me as close as he could. I removed my hands from His hair placing then under his shirt making him smirk. Just as things were getting heated I pulled away. Ashton pouted.

"It's all a bit of fun right?" I smirked kissing his nose lightly before standing up and putting the next movie in, the outsiders (again this is an amazing movie and I suggest you watch it) Ashton put his arm around my shoulders again. He started lightly kissing my neck which, I ignored.

"Ash I thought we were taking a break? Going back to how things used to be?" I sighed. He pulled away and looked at me

"You're right. Sorry Mad's" he smiled lightly turning his attention to the movie and grabbing a piece of chocolate. "Oh yea" he smiled "Harry said hi"

"Tell Harry I say hi to and that I'll see him soon" I smiled back

"Will do. He also said he misses seeing you at ours" he smirked

"Well, we'll have to fix that wont we" I smiled more

"We will" he kissed my forehead and pulled out his phone. I saw he had a new message from Luke inviting him round to his later. Ashton said he'd see whether he was still at mine or not. See, this is why I love him. This is why he is such an amazing guy. I know he would do anything for me no matter what and I know I would do the same for him. I kissed Ashton's cheek as I thought about how much we really did care about eachother.

"What was that for?" He smiled

"No reason" I smiled back cuddling further into his side as he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me as close as he could.


First off I want to say, please don't hate me to much for such a late update but I've been really busy and I had no idea what to write and I honestly have no clue when the next chapter will be up, it could be a few weeks I'm not sure but anyway! Thankyou for all the reads and all the comments and votes etc. I hope this chapter is a bit longer then the others and I hope it's ok! Thanks for reading x

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