Chapter Six: Day Six And Seven, Vegas

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Morning was there, Draco made two mugs of coffee, placed them on the table and walked towards Hermione who was still sleeping in the same position she was last night. He squated next to her, a smile grew on his face as he watched her sleeping, he slowly, quietly and carefully tugged her hair away from her closed eye. Draco barely touched her hair when Hermionr scared awake by his touch she let an uncontrollable scream when she woke up she was sitting now and when she did that Draco screamed as well and fell back.

"Why y-you're so coward?" he cried

"Why the hell are you hovering over me like a ghost?" she asked

"What do you mean 'hovering'?"

She rubbed her forehead "What do you want, Draco?" she asked

He jumped on the bed in her front "Day six!" he said excitedly "It's your turn what's your wish?" he was jumping and moving slightly and excitedly "What do you wanna do? Climb a mountain? Or sky diving? Wanna go swim again? I learnt how to swim!"

"Are you OK?" she asked worriedly

"I am, c'mon now let's do something," he sat down still in her front " Adventure, vital and fun!"

Hermione stared at him for a moment "These three words and.. You?" she paused "Are you doing drugs?" she frowned

"Tut, shut up! Now come on say something."

Hermione turned her gaze to the window "I wanna go away from here."

"Where to?" he asked and she only shrugged "okay, wait!" he grinned and jumped off the bed to the ground, he walked towards the white wall opposite the bed where there was a dartboard he snatched two of the small missiles and walked back to Hermione who was looking at him lazily. "Come on," he took her right arm

"What are you doing?" she groaned

"Come on, Hermione. Get up." he said helping her to stand on the bed "You wanna go far away then okay, let's do it." he pointed at the big poster of the United States map

"Oh-uh.. Draco I wasn't serious.. I mean it's just a stupid wish like the Ocean's one." she smiled "I don't have any wish." she turned to leave the bed but he grabbed her by her arm

"Wait.. Th-this can be my wish!" he lied "I mean.." he turned to lie better and not to face her "I never had been in a vacation before.. I don't know what it feels or what you do.."

"Never?" she asked

"Never.. Like toys.."


"Really.. But it doesn't matter, never mind-"

"No.." he knew he made her feel bad for him and that his plan was working "Wait, listen, give me those." she smiled
Draco turned to her slowly, he was expecting that she was about to slap him and she didn't believe what he said because he was Draco Malfoy for Merlin's sake, but she was smiling, holding her hand out for him to hand her the missiles and that what he did he jumped off the bed again, this time he was waiting for her to shoot. Hermione pulled her sleeves up, the first missile between her fingers she half opened her eyes to focus and thud the little missile hit the poster "Where did I hit it?" she asked excitedly

Draco jumped on the grey sofa to read "Hell?"

"I didn't know hell was on the map.." she frowned

"Yes there is, in Michigan-" he chuckled and before he could finish what he was saying Hermione shoot the second one "ARE YOU MAD!" he moved away from the map

"Did I get something good now?" she asked excitedly grinning

Draco came close to the poster to have a better look "I don't know.. It's like a desert.."

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