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I sigh. I had to leave all my friends. For a worse life. "Mom how much longer?" I asked. She never liked me she didn't even care about me wanting to move. "Sunshine shut up!" She yelled. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. My mom instead of being normal and saying not to do that. She dropped me off in the middle of the road. When I heard fiym. I started to walk towards the song. I sat down and smiled.

1 or 2 hours later

I honestly can't believe I finally saw them then I got up to leave but realized my mom left me. I looked around not many people were left and if they were they were about to. I sighed. I looked at the band especially Liam. He was my favorite. I didn't no what to do so I ran behind some chairs ( the third row) and hid crying.

I don't know if the people noticed. But I bet no one heard me cry. I cry silently well sort of. Just than someone taps my shoulder. I jumped than turned to see who it was.

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