Chapter 1: Everything Has Changed

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Everything Has Changed - Ed Sheeran feat. Taylor Swift

Alex's POV

Well, middle school was a complete disaster! Let's just say I lost my best friend, who I have a major crush on, but I didn't want to make things awkward between us. Cameron was the captain of our middle school's basketball team, moreover his youtube and vine videos went viral which made him even more popular. Aaron went on to high school, became a running back for his high school football team and is always practicing, so he's barely home. If Aaron's not practicing he's either out with his friends or with Cameron making more videos together.

As for me, depression and my insecurities took over. i've also noticed that I have gained a few pounds and am constantly teased about my weight. My so called best friend became a jerk. He never acknowledges me whenever we see each other in the halls. When I was being called really harsh names by these popular girls he never did anything. He just stood there, looked me in the eyes, and walked away. Cameron would come over the house every now and then, but he's only with Aaron to make more videos. So yeah, all I had was me, myself, and I. My brothers and my parents are off doing their own thing. Which I'm proud of everything they do, so I don't want to be a bother. I just kept moving forward because the only thing that mattered to me was my schoolwork and that middle school went by fast.

Three years later...

So eighth grade wasn't as bad as I thought, I just focused on my classes and went back to singing and dancing. Ever since Cameron, Aaron, and I watched 'The voice' and 'So you think you can dance?' I have been so mesmerized and inspired by music and dance. Since then they just naturally became a hobby of mine.

It's freshman year in high school, I've met new friends because I have joined a dance squad and the glee club. A week after Aaron graduated High School, him and Cameron were invited to this Magcon tour with these other successful boy youtubers and they've been gone for a year now.

Thank goodness that i've met a new friend named Zoey Sanders. I met her when I was auditioning for the dance squad and our friendship blossomed since that day. Her father is a pediatrician and her mother is a housewife. She only has an older brother name Charlie, who is the same age as my brother Aaron.

"Alex did you get the choreography for our homecoming game? You do know it's next week right?" Zoey reminded.

"Yeah, sorry i've been so busy with my homework and my brother Aaron comes back home tonight!" I said excitedly. Zoey sighed

"Wanna sleep over at my house tonight so then we can practice all night until I get the choreo down?" I asked.

"Ok that sounds like a perfect plan! Is Charlie taking you to pick up your brother?" Zoey asked.

Oh I forgot to mention, Charlie and I are a couple. Charlie is such a sweetheart, he always makes me feel like a princess, and I'm never insecure when he's around. Zoey was a bit uncomfortable with our relationship, but she just got used to it as long as she doesn't become a third wheel when I come over.

"Well speaking of the devil!" Zoey snarled placing her hands on her hips. Charlie came walking into the garage smirking that beautiful smirk of his, and walked towards me. Once he reached me I couldn't help but just smile back up at him, in return he pulled me close and kissed my forehead. He later looked up smirking at Zoey "Don't be jealous she asked me to take her and not you!" Charlie laughed and I pinched his stomach.

"You're so mean!" Zoey and I laughed while we watched him wince in pain, but I ended up massaging the area I pinched.

"Aw you poor baby! That's what you get for teasing your sister!" Zoey and I laughed some more.

Charlie grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, spanked my butt, and ran away taking me with him. Once we reached the car Charlie finally set me down, and I started to rub my butt because he actually smacked it pretty hard.

"Why do you have to smack so hard!? Your hands are pretty big compared to my buttcheeks you know!" I said as I rubbed my butt some more. Charlie threw his head back laughing.

"Why are you laughing? It really hurts!" I said giving him my pouty face. He grabbed my hand, pulled me towards him, and started massaging where he smacked me.

"I'm sorry babe. You know you look so cute when you pout. You look like a cute baby." He said lifting up my chin and I smiled up at him grabbing him by his neck pulling him down to kiss me.

"GET A ROOM!" Zoey yelled.

"YEAH WHATEVER WE'RE LEAVING!" Charlie yelled back giving me one last peck and then later intertwined our fingers as we walked to my side of the car. He's such a gentlemen! I watched him round the car to the driver's seat.

"Where are we meeting your brother?" Charlie asked.

"Uhhhmmm he said him and Cameron will be at Gate 9." I informed him as he nodded his head and intertwined our fingers together once again. Charlie knows what happened in middle school, well basically he knows everything about me because I tell him everything and hide no secrets from him.

I didn't noticed I fell asleep on the way to the airport until Aaron scared me.

"AARON YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled out punching his shoulder.

"LOVE YOU TOO BABY SIS'!" He yelled pulling me into an embrace. "Wow look at you!" Lifting my arms up and wide. "Have you been working out or something? Because you're looking real good sis!" He said poking at my muscles.

"STOP THAT TICKLES!" I squirmed with laughter. "And yeah I guess you can say i've been working out! I got into a dance squad!" I jumped with glee until I was face to face with Cameron. I stopped jumping and all my happiness went down to just being mellow.

"Hey Alex" Cameron acknowledge.

"Hey Cam" giving him the fakest smile I could give him.

"You look good!"

"Uhh thanks you too." I nod my head and just turned around walking towards Charlie and placing my hand on his back as he closed the trunk after loading the luggage. Charlie gave me one of his adorable smiles and just kissed me on the nose.

"You ok?" Charlie asked, I nodded my head and leaned my head on his chest "Just tired, I want to go back to sleep." I answered. "Go into the car then baby." Charlie chuckled. I nodded my head one more time, rounded the car and got into the front passenger seat. Charlie finally got in the car, shot me a smile before he turned on the ignition, and placed his hand on my thigh.

"Get a room!" Aaron cooed. I rolled my eyes, chuckled and shook my head because he sounded exactly like Zoey. "Shut up and let me sleep" I said sending Aaron a death glare as always. I took a quick look at Cameron, he just furrowed his eyebrows, gave me a small smile, and later looked out the window. Next thing I knew 'Everything Has Change' by Ed Sheeran feat Taylor Swift came on the radio, and all I remember was cuddling Charlie's arm and falling asleep on the way back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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