Truth or dare action ou vérités

Start from the beginning

There was a knock on the door and Steve entered. He was about to step on you when he realized you were on the floor.

"(Y/n) why are you on the floor?"

The gun shots had stopped. You turned around and asked him: "Don't tell me that guy on the box was unreal."

Steve laughed "(y/n). That's not real. That guy is pretending."

"How was I supposed to know?" You ask frustrated. 

"Come here." Steve helped you up. Your sides were bleeding. You reconnected the wires to your sides. You sighed and sat back down on the bed. 

"How was the meating?" You questioned.

"They told me that Tony and the others got a hold of one of AIM's quarter but there wasn't any serum or any of your blood. They are looking further up south. They might be a bit longer. But you been hanging on fine, for now. Do you think you can hang on a bit longer?"

You sighed "I guess I don't have much choice." 

Steve sat next to you. You were staring at Steve's eyes. Your breathing became uneven. He checked your pulse and checked for fever.

No... Not the pulse. Emotional agitation would increase if he did that. Apparently, he wasn't great at math...or he was just a gentlemen. 

"Well, you're cold and your pulse seems a bit high but nothing too abnormal." You sighed again.

You shivered. You were in your usual hospital gown. 

"Can you heat me up you asked?" Still shivering.

Steve realized what you said and blushed. He hugged you. The warmth of his body was wrapping around your cold body.

Cold was another sign of blood loss. 

Your eyes closed and you stayed in Steve's arms. You were slowly becoming warmer but you didn't want to you wanted to stay in the embrace for a bit longer.

"Are we just old relics now? To be thrown away if we can't adapt. I don't think I would be able to survive that. And I don't want to die again." You whispered in his arms.

"As long as I live, no one will throw you away or treat you like an old relic." He promised.

"You shouldn't say promises you know you can't keep. I know I've tried."

Steve broke the hug. Your eyes were staring at the floor, your hair fell in your face. You tried to make it look as though you were only reflecting on something rather than sobbing.

"I've seen so much. It broke me. Beyond repair."

"Nothing's ever beyond repair."

"Really? Bodies curled up over the battlefield, the smell of the rotting dead was stinking. The blood was enough to fill the Nil. 

The faces, that was the worse. If you recognize them, you realize you lost another friend. If you don't you only come to the conclusion that you can' to back. It never ends. Not for a soldier.

The sights of war, haunting the every happy moment, in the dark of the night, in the furthest of places, they come. It's enough to make you go mad. 

You weren't on the field as much as me. The dead. Everywhere. A sense of dread would fill your body as you realize just tomorrow someone might look at you the way you look at them, pity in their eyes, sorrow in their hearts. 

You can't forget. And during battle, the cries are enough to make you deaf. The dead are countless, the living, too afraid of losing their own lives in front of the enemy." Tears were running down your check. You sniffed and managed to chock the last sentence. "Seeing a lifeless friend might just be a relief; knowing they won't have to see others like that."

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now