5: This is Your Captain Speaking

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Clint got himself situated in the front of his jet, familiarize himself with the controls once again. He tested the wings and everything else before Natasha told him to 'stop playing around and just take off already, Clint, this is getting annoying'.

"Alright, alright, we'll go now," he agreed, making sure the wings were back in their original position before he started it up. "Hold tight," he called back to his two passengers. Natasha just rolled her eyes but Pietro got slightly worried.

"He does know how to do this, right?" Pietro checked, leaning closer to Natasha to whisper to her. She shrugged.

"He's practically a professional. He just wants to get you worked up," she assured him. Pietro nodded but that didn't fully calm his nerves. He knew Clint, and he knew that if he said anything about being nervous that Clint would purposefully make it a bumpy ride, just to annoy him. So, he kept quiet.

"Hey guys, you ready?" Clint called back.

"Yeah," Natasha said back. "Pietro's just a little nervous, that's all." After she said it, she realized what she had done and sent Piero a sorry glance. He nodded and braced himself.

"Pietro? Nervous? What is there to be nervous about?" Clint asked, and they could practically hear his grin. "I'm a professional, Pietro," he insisted, purposefully jolting the aircraft forward. "I'm just kidding, kid. I'm nowhere near prefessional." Pietro gulped. Natasha shook her head.

"Clint, leave him alone. Let's just go, alright?"

"Fine, fine. We'll go. Doesn't mean I'm still not a professional." Clint muttered the last part to himself before they took off.


"This is your captain speaking," Clint said as they began decending, acting as though he was speaking through an intercom. "Please return to your seats and buckle your seat-belts. We're beginning our decent to Barton Farms. It's sixty-three degrees outside, nice and warm with a gentle, cool breeze. The time is 5:58 PM here at Barton Farms."

"Just shut up and land already," Natasha groaned, sliding down in her seat. Pietro rolled his eyes but agreed with her.

"Yes, could you hurry up please?" he asked, his accent clear.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you needy people. We're landing, calm down. Have you ever flown a jet? It takes some skills," Clint replied, lowing the craft further. After a few minutes they landed on the ground with a small bounce and Clint lowered the backhatch. Pietro ran out first, zooming around the entire property. He returned a second later, nodding in aproval.

"Not a bad place," he commented, taking his bag from the back of the jet. Clint rolled his eyes.

"Wow, thanks kid," he said sarcastically. "Tasha, you got your stuff? Good. C'mon you two, Coop said to hurry up." Clint led them inside and had them set their bags by the door.

"Where are those munchkins?" Natasha asked loudly, walking around. There was giggling from behind the couch and she leaned over the edge of it, grinning down at Lila huddled behind it. "Found one of 'em!"

"Come give your uncle a hug," Clint demanded playfully, crossing his arms in a fake pout.

"Uncle Clint!" Lila yelled, running over and jumping into his ams. Clint laughed and picked her up, spinning her around.

"Hey kiddo! How are you guys? Being good for your mom?"

"Being little devils is more like it," a woman said with a laugh. Clint set his niece down and hugged his sister, grinning. "Hi Clint," Laura greeted.

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