Harry giggles into the phone and Louis smiled at the sound, "That would be lovely. Tea and Scrabble are my favourites."

"Ah," Louis smirks to himself. "You seemed the type. Well, it's a date then."

It was quiet for a moment and Louis realised he had called it a date. Was this a date? Louis thinks to himself. Hell, Louis definitely wanted it to be. The question was though, was if Harry wanted it to be a date as well.

"It's a date," Harry says softly. Louis' smile widen and he doesn't think he's ever smiled so big in his life. How could a simple sentence make him feel as giddy as he was? It made no sense to him. But, he needed to play it cool so Harry didn't think he was a complete freak.

"Great," Louis says with his stupid smile still etched onto his lips. "I'll have a car sent to bring you here. We've got to keep it on the down low though. Okay?"

"Okay," Harry says and Louis swears he can hear the small smile in his voice, but maybe he was just crazy.

"Okay, well you should be getting some sleep then. Goodnight Hazza," Louis says softly.

"Goodnight Lou," Harry says just as softly and he was the first to hang up. Louis laid awake for a while because, wow he had finally asked Harry out. Louis was quite proud of himself for doing so since its been a long time just listing after the younger man.

Louis grabbed his phone again and sent a quick message to Liam that read: i asked him. And that was it. He locked his phone and set it on the bedside table again before pulling the duvet over him once more and snuggling into it. And Louis must say, he's never gotten such great sleep in his life.


"So," Liam said through the phone. "You finally asked him out?"

Louis hummed in response and tugged on his black skinny jeans. He had woken up around 10:30 the next morning because Liam was calling him and he wanted to make sure his house was clean enough for Harry. He didn't want him to think he was a slob even though his house was already pretty clean in the first place. So when Liam called, Louis had put him on speaker and slipped his phone into his back pocket and talked to him while he straightened up.

"And he's coming over today?" Liam asked again.

"Yes Liam. I just sent a car to get him so he'll be here soon." Louis tells him and pushes his fingers through his hair as a way to comb it and make it neat. He looked in his mirror and was satisfied with how he looked. He smiled to himself and walked down to his kitchen so he didn't keep Harry waiting when he showed up.

"You're not planning on like making a move or anything, right?"

Louis scoffed and started making himself some tea, putting his phone down on the counter and walking around to gather his cup and a teabag.

"No," Louis tells him. "We're just going to have tea, play a bit of Scrabble, maybe watch a movie. Nothing crazy."

He heard Liam sigh from the other side of the phone, "Right, well, I'll let you go now I guess. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, yeah?"

"Liam," Louis scoffs. "What wouldn't you do honestly?"

"Goodbye Louis. Have fun." Liam chuckled and ended the call. Liam's had a few experiences were he's gotten drunk on a date and they ended up going further than expected. When that's happened, the relationship never works out and the person would've left him the next morning or used him for money and fame. And honestly, Louis thought Liam was too kind for most of the people in the world and he deserved much better than some slag that wants him from his money.

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