|| 2️⃣||It is comical to believe that the universe is not conspiring against me

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I am officially having a panic attack!

There's just one week left till I have to go back to, Hogwarts.
I don't hate the place I just don't want to have to interact with other beings. It frightens me to think of this years group projects or classes. It's always humiliating having to be picked last for just about everything.

I know there's one good thing heading this week and that is the Quidditch World Cup. It's practically perfect in every way. Since I had to know almost everything about Quidditch to seem normal to everyone else I've actually become a fan of the sport.
I would love to play but being me with no athletic ability whatsoever, I wouldn't think to highly of myself.

The week flew by rather dully and now suddenly I wake up and it's Friday. Today's the day I go out in public since the close of school last year, well if you count the times I went to the bookshop then it would be my 8th, but this is the official 'death day' as I was would like to call it that I go to a place I'm bound to see almost everyone from Hogwarts. I did see Hermione Granger once by the History section of the store ,of course all I could simply do without completely spewing out my version of communication was wave like an idiot until she smiled and that's when I dived down, covered by the shelf to exit quietly and unnoticed.

In order for me not to make a fool of myself at the Cup I came up with a plan to literally save my soul.

A list of things one should never do if they are A) too shy B) too polite C) all of the above

S.  Speak to anyone
P.  Peer at anyone
A.  Attract any attention to yourself
Z.  Zone out (do not even try this at home)

Hope this helps, yours sincerely...
Personal experience

So yeah, this should get me through the day. Operation S.P.A.Z will work fine if I don't land myself in trouble , but living in my unfortunate universe that is exactly what didn't happen .

It starts with me just casually walking towards my tent at the campsite with my parents. The game didn't start for about an hour so I had enough time to finish the new novel that I bought yesterday. My parents went go go and mingle with their friends (how do they do it?) which only made me feel worse about my self-esteem so all the more reason to read.

I should have thought the strategy more carefully for it turns out Operation S.P.A.Z does not accommodate for reading whilst walking. The novel was just getting to an interesting scene when I tripped over someone's dreadfully large suitcase and ever so un-gracefully sending my book flying into who knows direction . So much for not attracting attention. The remaining suitcases tumble down like dominoes, one landing with a thud on my head. I quickly shift away and pretend like nothing happened while I search for my book. My book is on one of the suitcase, and it just so happens that that particular trunk had to belong to none other than D.M.

Draco Malfoy.

In this case any decent person would get up and either run or pick up the trunks and put them back. But since I'm me, what do I do?

Well I hide behind the suitcase covering my face with my book, praying for the impossible.

I peep from behind the trunk and I can see Malfoy coming nearer to his extra lavishing tent. Do you think he'll notice? I mentally ask myself (I do that a lot). Of course he will look at the mess you've made. He's wearing black suit with black shoes and a black tie, honestly why is he even here? Oh that's right because he's a stuck up prat who believes only Slytherins are all so almighty. There's a really good chance he won't know who I am and for once I'm glad to be invisible.

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