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"I dare you to sneak into Sweden's room and scare him by putting all of his most prized possessions in a secret place one of those prized possessions has to be Finland."-The_Black_Knight

Norway: B-But, No one in existence has ever sneaked into Sweden's room and come out alive!

Admin: Just do it! XD

Norway: ...But how am I gonna hide Finland?! He is scarier than Sweden.

Admin: XD How is he scary?!

Norway: H-He one time, asked me if I wanted to be his....friend!

Admin: *Takes Norway's hat off his head and waves it in the air* Do it or you'll never see your hat again!

Norway: *Grumbles* Fine! *Opens Sweden's door* He's not here :D!

Admin: Hurry up, then!

Norway: *Goes into Sweden's chest and opens it*All there is, is his glasses...

Admin: XD What the hell? Just hurry up and hide them before Swede comes!

Norway: *Hides Sweden's glasses in Denmark's pile of legos* Sees Finland* H-Hey Finland!

Finland: What?

Norway: Sweden said he wanted you to go in your room because he's going to bring you dinner!

Finland: 0-0 Okay! *Runs super fast to room*

Norway: *Closes and locks Finland's door* He said if you talk he will eat it!

Finland: Uugh! Fine!

-5 days later-

Sweden: *Comes out of room enraged*

Norway: 0_0 Swede I can explain! Finland is-

Sweden: Where. The Hell. Are. My. Glasses.

Norway: In Denmark's room I think...

Sweden: *Goes into Denmark's room, smashes through pile of legos and finds his glasses* 

Norway: *Gulps* Hey, do you know where Finland is?

Sweden: Who's Finland?

Admin: *Facepalm*

I sowwy! >~< I know this first one kinda sucks! I will do my best next time D:

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