Skittering Skate Date

Start from the beginning

"If you say so, baby."

"I do," She confirmed and then took ahold of my hand and we both slowly slid out and on to the slick ice.

Our hands didn't part, both of us shaking pretty badly for a while. Finally, I let one of Lacey's hands go, moving my foot slowly so that I skated a little more than I had before.

Gasping, Lacey dropped my other hand, "Go, Jake! Let's see how far you can get!"

As worried as I was that I would crash and look like an idiot, I gave Lacey a tiny simper before I pushed a little further. I made it another few yards before my left foot flew from under me and I was airborne for about half a second before landing on my butt, hard.

Lacey laughed and skated over to me gracefully. Gaping at her, I pointedly ignored the hand she held out to help me up, "How in the hell did you manage that?!"

Grinning at me, she giggled and shrugged, "Oh, I didn't tell you? I took lessons when I was a kid. About... Seven years worth of ice skating lessons."

"Oh... You dirty, little sneak! You're so in for it now!" I struggled to regain my footing, wanting to chase her down and tickle her until she apologized.

Skating backwards flawlessly, Lacey smiled at me, "Having fun there, Bambi?"

"You are so done for when I get off of my butt!" I screamed, nails digging into the wall some as I forced my legs to bend widely so I wouldn't slam back into the floor.

"Whatever you say, Jake," She spun around in a circle, so fast and coordinated I got dizzy from just watching her. When she stopped, she turned to me again, "By the way, you were right. This was a great idea. I'm having tons of fun. We should totally come more often."

Ignoring her gloating tone, I finally caught my balance and slowly skittered my way towards her, trying not to slump back to the ground in a heap as my legs shook, "I am coming after you, ballerina. So, you better watch out!"

Lacey giggled and easily skated her way across the rink, spinning and jumping every few yards, "Come and get me, babe. I'm waiting!"

I continued to make my way towards her slowly, trying to stay steady, but she kept moving continuously so I was always behind by a few feet. Huffing out a breath that clouded in the icy air, I groaned, "Baby, can you please stop and or slow down so that your poor fiancé won't die?"

She laughed softly, the sound echoed across the rink and floated towards my ears, "Yes, sir!"

Gliding back to me, Lacey placed a hand on my shoulder to help steady me, "Thank you, meanie."

She giggled and nodded, "Anytime, Sir Falls-A-Lot."

Pouting, I stood up straight and held my ground properly for the first time since I had fallen, "I am so getting you back for this. You have completely turned this date around on me."

Lacey laughed, "Actually, I have. Now you have to hold on to me so that you can skate. It's totally sexy to have to hold on as we skate."

Rolling my eyes, I scoffed at her, "I can totally do this on my own."

"Do you really want to try that again? Give up on being all macho and manly, babe."

"I don't want to!" I groaned out, wanting to just collapse on to the ice.

"Babeeeeeee!" She whines and I sighed, nodding my head in agreement.

"Fine. Come on. Help me out here," I asked and held my arm out for her to grab.

Gripping it, Lacey steadied me and then slowly helped me skate across the rink. Our strides were unsteady and Lacey constantly had to pull the weight so that I wouldn't fall face flat.

"So," I began, hoping that if I didn't concentrate too hard on the process of skating that I would be able to do it better, "when do you think we should have the wedding?"

"Hmm..." Lacey pondered, still holding us both upright as we made our fourth full circuit around the rink, "I don't know, Jacob. What did you have in mind?"

I shrugged a little bit, throwing me off kilter, which nearly sent us into a fishtail, "Maybe sometime soon? I mean, it doesn't have to be any time in the near future, but I wouldn't mind us getting married in winter. Imagine getting married out in the snow as the sun sets..."

She grinned at the blush that colored my already rosy cheeks, "You are literally a twelve year old girl in an adult male's body."

"Oh, shut up. Just, please, tell me how you feel about it? Or at least give me your opinion on when you want the wedding to be?"

Lacey kissed my freezing cheek, "I actually like it in the winter. It sounds really different and that makes it extra special."

"Are you saying yes to a winter wonderland wedding?" I grinned at her, eyes sparkling with warmth.

"I am, Mr. Anderson."

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