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Every one has at least one friend that you are 100% sure that they are either



Or really need to chill the fuck down.

Me being one of them... In my ca- well actually all my friends need mental help, except for bae, bae is just fine, bae is da bomb. 😆

But seriously like you peeps need to take a chill pill, or two, or a million what ev's 😆🙃😏

How you know  you're one of those "take a CALM THE FUCK DOWN pill, you're not yourselves when you're high!" 😂😆👍🏻 get it?, get it? Tried to make it like a Snickers commercial, no? K...

Btw Snickers is my fav candy and chocolate.

Fuuuuck chocolate
Is awesome...

when you're screaming your crushes name or "bitches!" In a really high tone-

I don't know why but I have a tendency to scream "bitches!" In a really high voice for no reason.

That is.

When I'm not okay.

When you're high on sharpie fumes-

For the love of dick don't snort sharpie fumes or get high on skittles, it's will chase off all your friends, I know from personal experience...

Sadly, lol...

When you say "fuck math homework, let's go snort Coke and get high off tree trolls dicks!" In front of your teachers open door class room in an empty hall way where even people in Gallifrey can hear you-

How do you even?!...

When you make your friend laugh so hard her nose starts to bleed-

Would make sense if you bashed her nose with your head last Thursday...


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