Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

We got in the car after Dean tossed me the keys, I floored it, putting Salvation, Iowa behind us. Dean gave me directions and a few hours later, we sat with one of our old friends Bobby. We heard a dog and a moment later, the door flew open, to reveal a very angry looking Meg. Dean started toward her and she threw at a wall. Sam and Bobby walked over to me in the other room and she followed them. I smirked when she realized what we did. She taunted Dean about killing dad, and he hit her.

I sat watching as they questioned Meg and got the demon out of her before she fell forward with blood coming from her mouth and nose. We laid her on the floor an she told us what she could remember before she died. We left and stopped a few miles away, only to have them start arguing again. We found a building called Sunrise apartments and Sam pulled the fire alarm before we disguised ourselves as firefighters. we locked two of the demons in a closet before we checked on dad. We helped him out of the apartment and went out through the window. Sam and Dean were attacked by one of the possessed people and Dean shot him in the head.

We took dad to a hotel and the lights started flickering. Sam and I went to check the windows and doors but when we came back, Dean was pointing the colt at Dad. It, the demon possessing dad, threw us across the room and Dean dropped the gun. It picked up the gun and started taunting Sam before turning to Dean. It taunted them back and forth before it turned to look at me" kids like you are popping up everywhere" he taunted and I glared. It started killing Dean, and Sam got free and shot the thing in the leg, causing us to fall to the ground. Dad begged him to kill him but Sam couldn't do it. I ran over to dad and Sam helped me get him out to the car. I got in the drivers seat and drove as fast I could toward the nearest hospital.

Then a semi came out of nowhere and hit the car, pushing us off the road. My head connected with the stirring wheel and the window next to me, before everything went black.

Time Skip

I opened my eyes and winced sitting up." Mari" a voice sighed and I looked over to find Sam. I frowned" where's Dad, where's Dean"

" Dad's fine but Dean...." he trailed off and i tried to get up but he pushed me back down." you need to stay here Mari"

" what happened Sam!" I cried and he explained to me, that Dean was dying but dad was trying to summon a demon, which was crazy. When he was finished tears filled my eyes" this is my fault"

" no, no, no, this is not your fault Mari"

" I was driving Sam, I could have...I could have avoided it" I told him he hugged me." never blame yourself, it was the demon, you hear me" he told me and I nodded. He left to do something and a few minutes later, I heard a voice say" well this is depressing ". My head shot up and I looked  over to see Dean.

He frowned" can you hear me?"

" well, this is weird" I told him and he laughed before looking over at the door." I'll be back" he told me. He left and I sighed before leaning against the pillows behind me. A few hours later, I fell asleep, only to be awoken by Sam." Mari...Dean is awake but uh...." he trailed off and my eyes widened as he told me dad was gone.

Time Skip

I stared emotionlessly at the flames as we burned Dad's body. I turned and walked away." Mari-"

"let her go Sam"

One week later...

I sat on the hood of an old car watching Dean work, with my knees under my chin." How long do you think she'll be like?" Sam asked.

" We just lost dad, unlike us, she didn't get to say goodbye" Dean told him as he cleaned off his hands

" but still..." Sam sighed.

" just leave her alone Sam"

I followed them over to the van Bobby gave us and went to check on an old voice mail of dad's. It led us to a bar, where Dean got punched in the nose by a girl." What's with her" The women, Evelyn asked and Dean sighed" coping "he told her and she frowned but said nothing more. Sam asked about a file behind her and we left a few hours later. Sam mentioned Clowns and I laughed causing them to look at me. Dean shook his head and when we got there, Sam was freaking out. I stayed un the van and when they came back, they told us we going to be working with the circus. When it closed that night we followed a family home, only to have them come running out.

We ditched the van and started walking before they started arguing. We found out how to kill the clown and they made a plan. When they came out, they told me it was the blind guy and we went back to talk to Evelyn. A guy named ash gave us a laptop that would detect mom's killer if he ever showed up and we went back to the junkyard.

In The Middle ( A Supernatural Fanfiction) -Book One Of The Middle SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now