Episode 12

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Chapter 34

"We should stop calling these meetings 'emergency meetings,'" Stan said when the City of Fellowship Church elders gathered midday on Monday. "The whole point of an emergency is that it is rare."

"Hopefully, this will be the last one for a long time," Pastor Taylor said as he took his seat at the head of the table. He clasped his hands as he began. "You all know the issues we have been dealing with in this church over the past few months. We have struggled to decide how to respond. Well, I have been in touch with the man who founded this church. He helped me clarify some things and reminded me why we exist as a church." Taylor glanced around the table making eye contact with each of the elders. "We exist as an expression of Jesus Christ himself in the world today. We are His church, and as such, we are obligated to do things His way whether we agree with it or not. Our job is to advance His work in the earth. When we deviate from that, or allow others to force us from that path, we betray Christ. That being said, I have made a few decisions about how we will proceed to deal with the issues that we are facing."

"As you know," one of the elders interrupted, "we all need to agree to these decisions you have made before they are carried out."

"I know. I will present them to you now. I believe that if you prayerfully consider each proposal, you will find that each one is what the Lord would have us to do."

The elders looked around at each other and nodded silently.

Taylor turned his attention to Sean Petri. "Sean, you have been with this church since the very beginning. However, your recent actions show that you have been sowing the seeds of discord and division for several months. While sitting among us as an elder, you began trying to tear us down through your association with Arnold Wexson, a sworn enemy of this church and the church of God as a whole. You have forfeited your right to serve here, and we are releasing you from your duties."

"Wait, you can't just fire me like that," Sean said. "This has to be put to a vote."

"Fine, let's have a vote," Taylor said. "Considering Sean's actions, if you agree that his service here should be terminated, say 'I'; if not, say 'nay.'"

There was a resounding chorus of "I's".

"You have to let the congregation vote on this, too," Sean fumed as his face grew red.

"If we do that, we will have to reveal to the entire church family what you have been doing to tear us down," Taylor said. "We know that there are many members who love you, Sean. You can resign now, quietly, and keep a measure of respect and dignity. We will forgive you, and not one word about your deeds will go beyond this room. Or you can make a spectacle out of this, lose all of your respect, and further divide the church family." Taylor was silent for a moment as he saw the gears working behind Sean's eyes. "This is one last chance for you to do the right thing here. Either way, you're gone."

Sean rose quietly from his seat at the table and left the room.

Taylor let out a breath and moved to the next issue. "You all know about Ferrian Flay," he said. "I made a verbal agreement with him that if he never brought his spouse (who also happens to be a man) to the church, that I wouldn't say anything about him being a practicing homosexual. That was wrong; I was wrong. As you know, if any of us was living in sin, we would not be allowed to continue serving in the ministry." He took a breath and then said, "I have decided to terminate Flay's employment here effective immediately."

There were some nods of agreement around the table, as well as more than a few murmurs of complaint.

"I know what you are thinking," Taylor said. "But, right now, we can't be worried about the consequences. We can't be worried about the fallout. All we can do is do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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