The Story Of Alexus ( an Opposite Side)

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Chapter 2:

The Social Worker took Alexus to her car as the both Alexus and The Social Worker entered the car and fastened their seat-belts the social worker put the car into reverse and get into position and she drives off.

[In The Car]

Alexus - (Leg shaking rapidly, and looking out the window in frustration with head phones in her ears)

Social Worker - Soo Alexus... I really want to thank you for coming with me.....

Alexus - ( Nodding her head in a rhythm motion)

Social Worker - Umm Alexus are you listening

Alexus - ( Not hearing the Social Worker)

Social Worker - Alexus can you a- (raising her hand to catch Alexus attention)

Alexus - (Taking out the left ear phone piece) Yes

Social Worker - Um sorry to bother you Alexus-

Alexus - Nah u good what's up

Social Worker - I just wanted to thank you for coming with me

Alexus - No problem I guess

Social Worker - Are you hungry at all cause I will buy you something to eat if you want something just let me know

Alexus - Umm no thanks I don't feel like eating anything right now

Social Worker - Ok but if you are just let me know Hunny okay

Alexus - Okay and umm please don't call me Hunny it'll only make me mad not to be rude

Social Worker - Okay if there is anything that I do that'll made you upset just let me know and i will make sure I don't do it again

Alexus - Okay fo'show

Social Worker - Okay (lifting her hand off the stirring wheel and making the black power fist) Four Sure

Alexus - (Giggling to herself and making a small smile barely visible)l

[Pulling up to a drive way of a building and walks in]

Social Worker - ( Walks up to the counter with Alexus)

Counter Lady - Hello Ms Green how are you today

Ms Green - Fine I'm actually here to see James is he in his office

Counter Lady - Wait a minute while I give him a call

Ms Green - Okay

Counter Lady - ( Picks up the phone and call and receive an answer on the other end and begin a conversation) Good Afternoon Mr Waters you have a 12 O' Clock appointment with Ms Green.... Mhm.... Yes... Alright....Of Course ( hangs up) You're all clear he said just come right in

Ms Green - Alright Thank You

Counter Lady - You're Welcome have a nice day

Ms Green - You too (walks toward an office door and proceeds in)

[Open Door]

James Waters - Hello Ms Green how are you today

Ms Green - Fine and you

James Waters - Fine if I say so myself and who might you have here with you

Ms Green - Awh Yes Mr Waters this is Alexus. Alexus this is Mr Waters

James Waters - Nice to meet you

Alexus - Mhm

James Waters - So what might we be discussing here today Ms Green

Ms Green - Actually James we are here to talk about Alexus

James Waters - Oh really and particularly will we talk about

Ms Green - Um James I don't know if you are aware of her predicament but I would like to know where will we be going about doing with Alexus

James Waters - I am very much aware of her predicament but my concern is what could I possibly do with her around this time of year everything is taken up almost and everything will be closed in a couple of day beside deadlines for registration for foster home is over coming up this week so what can I do


Ms Green - Alexus Calm down


Ms Green - I know I will handle this will you please stand out side for me

Alexus - ( Glaring at James evilly)

Ms Green - Please Alexus

Alexus - Fine

Ms Green - Thank you

Alexus - (Walking out the door and commenting on everybody else) FUCK Y'ALL LOOKING AT

Ms Green - Phew sorry about that

James Waters - Well that was ahem startling

Ms Green - Now Mr Waters do you see we need to find her somewhere to go even if it is for a short period of time

James Waters - Well Ms Green it might be tough but ill see what I can do

Ms Green - Alright thank you and call me with the information you receive

James Waters - Awh and Ms Green

Ms Green - Yes

James Water - If I was you I'd do something about that little behavior on her before it get her into a lot of trouble

Ms Green - Okay Sir ( While exiting the room) Okay let's go Alexus

Alexus - Okay

[Gets into the car and driver off and a little while later they pull up to a house]

Alexus - (Shocked in confusion takes out her headphones and speaks) Umm where the hell are we

Ms Green - Well Alexus for the time being you will be staying with me

[Both exit the car]

Alexus - ( Still in a surprise and looks around and thinks to herself) WOOOW this is really nice

[Shazam... The fire place is turned on]

Ms Green - Umm if your cold your welcome to use the furnace and um we have food in the fridge so if you get hungry you're welcome to eat and its kinda late so why don't you hop in the shower and head off to bed and ill be up there to tuck you in

Alexus - Okay

[Turn on the shower... Turns off the shower... The sound on opening and closing the bathroom door]

Alexus - Ms Green???

Ms Green - Yes Alexus

Alexus - I'm out the shower and headed off to bed now

Ms Green - Great ill be right up to tuck you-

Alexus - Umm I'd prefer you not do that I can tuck myself into bed

Ms Green - Okay no problem good night ( fidgeting with her hand)

Alexus - Night (closes the door and flicks off the light)

Alexus is living with Ms Green and still waiting on a place to be assigned to but the story just begun with her and her life journey

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