9. Real Kendall Jenner

Start from the beginning

"Kendall?" Cara interrupted my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. I don't think I really understand..." I lied. Terribly. 

"Really? Well then tell me this, did you hug Gigi, your best friend,as much as you hug me" Cara really wanted to know. Shit! What am I supposed to do!?

"Uhm... No." I said awkward.

"Thought so" she said and  looked away from me and stared at the dirty window instead.

And there's the awkward silence.

When we finally arrived at our empty driveway, she went out of the car and slammed the door pretty hard. I was confused. Why was she upset? What have I done? I jumped out of the car and ran to Cara who stood on our staircase to our front door and waited for me to unlock the door. 

"What's wrong Cara?" I asked concerned.

She didn't even look at me. But after a while she glared at me.

"Tell me Kendall! Who are you!? I don't even know you, do I!?" She yelled at me and pierced her eyes through mine. 

I didn't know what to say. I had never seen Cara this angry before. I was a little scared actually.

"I..." I started. She just kept staring at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Cara, of course you know me. Who do you think I am?" I managed to say.

"I don't know! I am asking you right now!" 

"Why are you mad at me?" I pleaded her to tell me.

And silence broke through. I could see how her face softened and her eyes stopped piercing through me. She kind of looked a bit embarrassed now. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just really confused right now. Too much is going on in my head." she said and hugged me.

I hugged her back, and it felt like we've never fought. I left her embrace and unlocked the door. We went up to my room and sat in my bed.

"Cara... Can you please tell me what you meant back there." I said nervous, afraid that she would get mad at me again. 

"Kendall don't worry, I won't get angry again." she said and smiled which made me feel so much more comfortable.


"Anyway, I just wanted to know why you are acting different around me." she simply said without any signs of anger or any emotions except happiness.

"Oh... Don't you like it?" I asked.

"Of course I do! I love your hugs! I just wanted to know why you don't act like that with Gigi."

I blushed by her answer.

"I don't know. I just feel that way when I'm with you. I guess we have another relationship than me and Gigi had." And that's all I can let her know about my feelings for her.

Now she was the one to blush.

"Oh... Well that made everything so much more clear" she said, and I could hear that she meant it. 

The final stage of the fight was over, and we could get back to our reality. Which means, endless of hugs and some sort of love. Not that way of love, but I guess flirting is the correct word for it. And I have to admit, Cara was a master at making me blush by her flirting. She was a real gentleman too.

The rest of the night we just talked about everything that came into our minds. Get to know each other from the very beginning again. And I got to know that the most of the rumours about Cara was actually true. For example, she had dated or kissed (or more...) most of the girls and guys at the school. That was a bit schocking because I didn't know Cara was a 'player'. But I accepted her anyway. And I told her about my first kiss and my first boyfriend and blah blah blah. She thought it was really funny though. I asked her why she thought it was funny, but she just kissed me on my cheek, making me blush. 

And that's mostly what we did day after day. And sometimes I was with Gigi and Cara with Karlie. But that's how my life went on for some weeks. Cara has lived with me the whole month. And I can't even think about when she will eventually move back to her house again. I don't know if I can handle that.

But anyway...

I was living my dream with Cara.



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