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I couldn't believe I just kissed Alice and I knew I couldn't be here anymore that's why I was returning to Shadowwick.

"Luke" I turned around seeing Ashton and Michael towards me "What are you doing out here; where's Alice"? Ashton asked.

"I'm leaving; I'm going back to Shadowwick and I told Alice and I kissed her but soon chickened out running away from her but I regret it now" I said.

"Luke you like Alice right"? Michael asked.

"Yeah of course" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Luke listen to me; go tell that girl that you're the prince of Shadowwick she needs to know the truth and yes she might be mad but she likes you too now go" Ashton said pushing me.

"Wait; Luke's the prince"? Michael asked confused

"Yes; he sure is" Ashton said. I rolled my eyes running back to Alice

"Alice" I yelled; no answer "Alice" I walked around the corner not seeing Alice sitting on the swing and started freaking out. Why did I leave her? "Alice; come on I know you're out here" I said. I kept looking around for Alice soon tripping over something; I looked back at the object seeing Alice's shoe and a note. Please tell me she didn't run away.

Dear Luke

I know you've been hiding out here so I took what's mine and if you expect to win back your kingdom once and for all; you will come back to your kingdom and we will settle this once and for all.

King Nathan

"No, No" I said running back out of the garden. I ran past Ashton and Michael who seemed concerned.

"Luke; what happened" Michael asked. But I ignored him going straight to the king. I ran into the ball screaming out for the king and all eyes were on me.

"Sir" I ran over towards the King and took a deep breath.

"Luke what happened; where's my daughter"? He asked looking around.

"They took her; King Nathan took your daughter to my kingdom and I'm so sorry sir" I said

"Luke it's not your fault; I'll get some of my men to save her" he said

"No sir; this is my fault I kissed your daughter and it's my fight to pick with Nathan because well" I looked around and took a deep breath "I've been keeping a secret from this kingdom since I came here and everyone knows about the runway prince well I'm Luke Hemmings and I'm the runaway prince" I said; I heard gaps and the king looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell us before Luke"? He asked.

"I didn't want everyone to know because I knew that once this kingdom knew who I was then King Nathan would have found me and destroyed this kingdom and I didn't want this kingdom to go through what Shadowwick did; I was afraid to return but you're daughter showed me everything and she will make a great queen without a king or not but right now I need to go save her so if you excuse me" I said running off.

As I was about to ride off I was stopped by Ashton, Michael and Alice's cousin Calum all on horses.

"Don't you try to stop me" I said annoyed.

"We're not stopping you Luke; were here to help you" Ashton said.

"Do you guys know what you're getting into"? I asked; they all looked at each other nodding.

"Of course; we would do anything to help you and save our future queen now let's go" Ashton said. We all rode off returning back to Shadowwick.


I didn't fight it, I didn't move all I did was stay there on the back of the horse because as much as I didn't want to admit it, this was going to be my future.

"Look princess; welcome to your new home" King Nathan said; I looked at the view seeing, what was probably once a beautiful kingdom where people laughed and enjoyed themselves but in front of me was a dark kingdom that was run by someone who didn't care about anyone but himself.

"Wow" I said; we rode down the hill into the kingdom seeing the village ruined and people who had ripped up clothes and asking for food. I couldn't look anymore at the horrible village so I just looked down at my ripped up dressed and waited until we were at the castle. I looked up seeing the castle up ahead and guards all around the castle. As we headed in I saw people locked up and I shook my head knowing I would change this kingdom and if I was going to marry Nathan I would change he's heart, somehow.

"Nathan"? I said finally talking to him.

"Yes princess" he said hoping down from the horse and soon helping me down.

"Why are they locked up"? I asked. Nathan looked at the people then smirked looking down at me.

"Oh trust me princess; you will find out soon enough" he told me. He held my hand and we walked up the stairs into the castle but I couldn't help but think why he was so cruel to let those innocent people be locked up. I never locked up my people even when I was little and didn't understand. Dad could only do it if I had a good reason for it.

"This way princess" Nathan said. I followed him upstairs where he opened the door to a bedroom. "This will be your bedroom until we get married; so you can sleep in here tonight and I'll see you in the morning" Nathan gave me a kiss on the cheek shutting the door behind me. Even though we've been riding for three days straight I couldn't sleep. I sat down by the window wishing and hoping Luke or someone from the kingdom notices I'm gone and tries to save me. 

The Runaway Prince || L.H Where stories live. Discover now