Chapter 6

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Ally woke up and looked around. She smiled when she realized she was still in Austin's room. She rolled over and looked at the clock. Her eyes widened when she saw what time it was.

1:05 pm

Did she really sleep in so late? Ally got up out of bed and walked downstairs. She entered the living room to see Austin watching tv.

"Well, good morning Sleeping Beauty." He greeted her, not taking his eyes off the tv.

Ally giggled. "Thanks, I think? Why didn't you wake me?"

Austin shrugged. "You got here really late last night. I wanted to let you sleep." He said, standing up.

"By the way," he said as he walked into the kitchen, Ally following behind. "I like that sweatshirt. Where'd you get it?"

"Ha ha." She said sarcastically. "Um, does my dad..."

"Yeah he's knows you're here." Austin told her, pouring orange juice into a glass. "He called about an hour ago. Here you go." Ally nodded as Austin handed her the glass. "I know orange juice is your favorite in the morning." Ally smiled as she took a sip. "You okay?" Austin asked her. Ally looked up at him.

"Honestly, I don't know." She sat down at the kitchen table. Austin sat down beside her. "I have no idea what to do."

Austin looked at her strangely. "What do you mean? I thought you knew what you were gonna do." Ally looked at him.

"Um, no. What makes you think that?" She asked. Austin shrugged.

"Well, based on our conversation last night..."

"Wait a sec," Ally put her hand in the air, stopping him. "I know what you're talking about. But just because last night I told you I wanted to stay, doesn't mean I'm going to. This is a big decision. And it's gonna take more than a conversation at 2am to decide what I want."

Austin sat there quietly. Ally put her hand on his. "Are you okay?" She asked, shooting him a quick smile.

Austin just nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Ally's smile faded, and Austin noticed. "Hey," Austin said, placing a hand on her cheek.


Ally smiled.

"Promise." They both stood up and Austin pulled the smaller girl into a hug.

"Why don't you change, and we go see a movie." Austin suggested.

"I hate to break it to you, but I don't have any clothes." Ally said, stating the obvious.

"We'll stop by your house and you can change."

"Fine." She said walked towards the door, then turned back to Austin with a smirk on her face. "but I'm keeping your sweatshirt."

• • • • •

Austin sat in Ally's living room waiting for her to change.

"Allyyyyy!" He yelled up to her for the third time in 2 minutes.

"What do you want now?!" She called down stairs.

"Your remote is broken!"

Ally rolled her eyes. "Here's an idea, genius. Change the batteries!"

*30 seconds later*

"Geez Austin, what?!"

"Where are the batteries?!"

'This is what I get for telling him he could watch tv', she thought to herself. "Hang on! I'll be down in a minute!"

About 2 minutes later, Ally made her way downstairs. She wore pink flats, black jeans, and Austin's sweatshirt.

"I'm guessing you like my sweatshirt..." Austin said, smirking at her. She shrugged.

"It's comfy!" She giggled. "By the way, the batteries are literally right in front of your face." She said, grabbing her purse.

Austin looked down to see a package of batteries sitting right on the kitchen table.


Ally rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand before running out the door.

• • • • •

After a day at the mall, the park, and the beach, Austin finally brought Ally back home.

"Thank you Austin. I needed to get my mind off things, and today was perfect."

"Anything for you." He smiles at her. "And I had fun. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Austin. Oh wait!" Ally took off her sweatshirt (well, Austin's sweatshirt) to give back to him. "Thanks for letting me borrow this."

"Nah, you hang on to it."


Austin nodded.

"Thanks Austin." She pecked him on the cheek before hopping out of the car. "Goodnight!"

"'Night Ally."

• • • • •

Ally walked into her house to see her dad watching the news channel.

"Hi honey! Have fun with Austin?"

Ally sat down on the couch next to her dad.

"It was good. I liked being able to just hang out with my boyfriend, and not have a worry on my mind."

"Well that's good." He smiled at her.

"So, what are you watching?"

"News. Did you hear that they are opening a new music academy in California?"

A troubled look appeared on her face. "Uh, can you change the channel?" She asked. "The last thing I want to do is watch something that reminds me of what I'm going through right now."

"Sure thing sweetie."

Mr. Dawson handed Ally the remote and she changed the channel to a movie.

'I can't believe you're leaving me!'

'What choice do I have?'  The tv couple argued.

"It's like they want me to worry!" Ally said frustrated, changing the channel again.

'New episode on tonight at 8 o'clock.'

"Finally!" Ally said, sighing.

'Who will Emily choose? College, or the boy of her dreams?'

"Seriously?!" Ally cried. She handed the remote back to her dad. "I think I'm just gonna go to bed. 'Night dad."

On her way up the stairs, her phone rang. She smiled when she saw the name in the screen.


"Hi Ally. Doing okay?"

Ally sighed. "Yes, I'm fine thank you."

"Okay, just checking in."

"I appreciate it. Hey, can I ask you a favor? You're gonna see Trish tomorrow morning, right?"


"Can you tell her to stop by my place after she finishes her meeting? I really need to talk to her."

"Why don't you just call her?"

"Because I actually want to talk to her. In person. Can you just tell her please?"

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks. Bye Dez!"

"See ya."

Just as she hung up, her phone buzzed with a text from Austin.

Austin: I know it's only been 20 minutes, but I miss you already <3 goodnight Ally, xoxo. Promise.
Wed. 9:18 pm

Ally smiled at the last word.

Ally: thank you Austin <3 ily. Promise.
Wed. 9:19 pm

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