"M-More or less, I suppose..." My face heats up a bit when I realize that he's standing there holding me in his arms, which likely is getting rather uncomfortable for him by now. " Um... C-Can you let me down?"

"O-Oh, yeah. Sorry..." Link has a rather sheepish expression on his face as he sets me down on my feet, where I have to look slightly up to him.

"Thank you for catching me." I lightly peck him on the cheek in gratitude. His face lights up at this and he pats me on the head in response.

"No problem."

"So how are we leaving this time?" I smirk, knowing that this question always leads to an entertaining answer.

"How would you like to make a grand exit today?"

"You're letting me pick instead of having a surprise up your sleeve?" I raise an eyebrow, shocked by his answer.

"Well, it is your birthday today so why not let you pick?"

"Hm... Well I am kind of liking the idea of using the hookshot this time round to get outside the castle walls. It would be quickest."

"As you wish, my princess."


"Will you tell me where we're going yet?" I ask for the umpteenth time in a row, still not able to guess as to where we're going based on the surroundings or how long it's taking to get there.

"I don't know where we're going." Link lets go of the reigns momentarily to shrug in a rather childish way. He grabs them again and then leans up to Epona's field of view. "Epona, do you know where?"As if on cue, the red-brown and white steed tosses its head to the side briefly.

"Link, at least give me a hint." I can't help but sound like a whiny child because the anticipation is slowly turning me inside out. Link has never done this before. Usually we would sneak out of the castle via whatever way possible that he concocts before we go to Kakariko Village or somewhere like that. I can't recall a time that it's taken this long to travel let alone his reluctance to reveal where we're going. I suppose that's why he decided to let me pick how we left...

"It's somewhere you love."

I roll my eyes at his response. "Well, gee. As the Princess of Hyrule you would think that I love everywhere in this country... So how about a real hint?"

"That is a hint. I mean, at least now you know I'm not taking you anywhere you hate." Link chuckles, fully aware of how irked he's making me.

"Fine, how about a different hint. A characteristic of this location?"

"You said a hint. I gave you a hint. Now you're just going to have to wait."

"You're mean..." I lay my head on his back, taking in the view from the side and move along with the jerking motions that come with riding a horse at a moderately fast speed. Suddenly the scenery becomes too familiar. I shoot my head up and look around as Link brings Epona to an eventual stop. "The lake!" I can't help but hug him from behind because of how happy I am to see it. Even after all these years, everything is as it was left. Crystal clear water, a rugged wooden bridge that is strung up to go from the land we're on to the little island of sorts that has the giant willow tree that Link and I would play under as kids.

"I thought I was mean."

"For not giving me a hint." I justify my name-calling before breaking the hug to dismount Epona.

"Fair enough I suppose." Link gets off and leads Epona to the water, wrapping the reins around a stump holding up the bridge so she'll stay there and drink the water.

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