Edward knelt down in front of Tanya and lifted her chin.

"Edward I can't get married. Not today, it doesn't feel right, I'm so sorry," she whispered and Edward smirked. "So you run away from me at the alter?" he asked and she laughed softly.

"I just, I didn't know what to do," she explained and Edward kissed her forehead.

As I stared I didn't feel pain anymore. I didn't feel the sharp rip of my heart because I was living in a slow throb of pain. No matter what happened or what I saw I wouldn't feelmore pain than what I was feeling now.

"I just need more time," she breathed.

"Okay when you're ready," he said and wrapped her arms around his neck. I saw Edward's face. His eyes were closed as he held her and when he opened them his gaze landed on me. I didn't see the love he had told me about the other day but I saw friendship love.

He smiled at me but I couldn't force one on my face. I nodded and lifted myself from the bench. "I'll tell everyone the wedding's canceled," I said and walked away from the couple.

"Are you ready to order?" I asked dully not really seeing the couple in front of me.

I heard there words and wrote down there order but I wasn't really paying attention.

One week since the wedding and I was still a shell. I hadn't spoken to Edward anymore than was necessary. Tanya was busy with school and I didn't spend much time with her. I had my occasional movie nights with Alice but she never forced me out or took me anywhere I didn't want to go.

As I walked back to the couple's table with there drinks in my hand I had a moment.

I tripped over my feet and bumped in José. The drinks spilled all over him and me.

"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention," I apologized. Jose laughed and wiped away the drink with a cloth he had in his hands.

"Dios mío, it's your first spill in two weeks. I think your getting better," he said with a laugh and I forced a smile.

"What no Spanish accent today? Only Spanish words?" I asked. I knew José liked to use his Spanish accent at work but he could speak perfect English and ad had wonderful grammar.

"Hey I'm embracing my culture. Bringing the Spanish language to America," he joked and I laughed. It was the first laugh I had all week.

"Hate to burst you bubble, but that already happened my amigo," I said and he smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.


"Nothing, it's just nice to see you display some sort of emotion rather than the zombie state you were living, I hope it stays, " he said and I nodded with a sad smile as I walked away to clean myself up and get another set of drinks.

He was right. I shouldn't live in a zombie state anymore just because it helped me deal with the pain. I had to find another solution.

"You can find a perfectly fine job here!" Alice pouted as she sat at the kitchen table.

I continued to cut the carrots and ignored her.

"I think it would be best that when I finish school I should go look for a job somewhere closer to my family. Like maybe in Seattle," I said putting the knife down and looking at her.


"Look Alice I wanted your opinion and help on a lot of my ideas, but this isn't one of them," I said coldly and she looked at me with hurt filled eyes.

Once Upon A Time Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora