I was excited, too. I had been waiting so long for this wedding. Six years, in fact. I couldn’t help but smile the entire time Karen was fixing me up. I was ready to go out there and skip right to the “I do”.

            I was so glad Michael was able to make arrangements the day after the shower. I don’t think I could’ve waited any longer.


            “All done!” Karen said.

            I stood up and went over to look in the full-length mirror. All of the girls gathered around.

            I just stood there, taking in my reflection. It was beautiful.

            “Mike is gonna eat you up,” Janet said with a toothy grin as she looked me over.

            My beautiful, strapless white dress hung to the floor and a small train followed behind it.

            “How much time, now?” Rebbie asked.

            “It’s 6:53. Seven minutes; we should get in our places,” Janet replied.

            We all walked out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into the den (where the shower had been a few nights ago). Brandi and Austin were sitting in there, ready to go. We all faced the side door that lead out to the garden, where the wedding was taking place.

            From what I could hear, there were quite a few people out there; all of them being famous friends of Michael’s and the rest of the Jackson’s.

            “Ohhh my gosh, I am so nervous,” I started to sweat a little and I could feel a headache coming on. I put my fingers to my temples and rubbed.

            Janet came up to give me a warm hug. “It’s okay, girl. This is your time to shine, alright? You’ve been waiting so long for this. You got this!”

            I patted her on the back. “Thanks.”

            LaToya, Rebbie, Katherine, and Karen came up to join us.

            “Group hug!” One of them said cheerfully.

            “I love you guys,” I said, as we swayed back and forth, squeezing each other. They were the only family I had come to know.

            “We love you, too, Eve,” Karen said.

            The music started and we all broke away from each other to peek through the window. We saw Michael standing by the arch which was completely decked out in roses and the pastor who was standing facing everyone. Just behind the arch, I saw a white stage with instruments on it. And I saw Tito, who sat in a red tux at the piano, playing the music ever so gracefully.

            “Everything seems to be in place. The music’s our cue,” LaToya said.

            She, Rebbie, and Janet lined up before the door as my bridal party. They wore beautiful, long, silky, red dresses and white roses as carnations. Their hair was up in elegant buns and their lips were all painted apple-red. Brandi came over to open the door for them, careful not to let anyone see her from outside.

            Janet (my maid of honor) stepped out first, followed by her other two sisters.

            As the girls made their way down the aisle, Katherine and I got Brandi and Austin ready.

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