Chapter One

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When I thought about how fun college was going to be, I didn't think that I would have to wake up so damn early. I mean, yeah, I know I decided to take early classes, but my schedule is just so messed up. I'm taking an early 8:00 am Intro to Biology class, a 3:00 pm American Minorities class, a 5:00 pm Intro to Literature class, and finally my Biology lab class at 7:30 pm. Yup, my life is completely screwed...well at least for the first semester. I promised myself I would take care of my classes for my next semester.

I finally decided to get off the bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. Yeah this can do, I laughed. I was really proud of my healthy, brown-red hair, that naturally curled itself to form beautiful curls. Well, at least I don't have to brush my hair this morning, I thought lazily. I went to pick out my outfit for the day, a hot pink mini-dress that wasn't skin tight, but flowed nicely to hug my hips and show off my curves. I didn't think I was super-skinny, but I felt I was a good size, and my breasts usually filled anything that I wore. I slipped on my flats and headed out the door.

I walked to my first class, which was incredibly close because I lived on campus. "Hey Ariel!" My best friend Cindy was always so cheery and up beat in the morning.

"Hey Cindy", I smiled back. She always had my back when it came to the down and nitty gritty.

"I heard that today we finally have our first lab class, so you better make sure and go." She said like she was my calendar on my iphone.

"Yeah I know, I'm dreading the hours."

"Oh Ariel, you need to start putting more effort at school, after all it is your first year."

"I know, but i'm so sleepy most of the time, it's so hard trying to be happy and awake to be here."

"You'll get used to it!"

"Well let's hope that Zack doesn't notice my utterly dreadful attitude" I said back while trying to imitate Simon Cowell's specific words. Cindy laughed and laughed until the teacher finally arrived and we all took our notebooks out to start taking notes.

"Today class, we will start talking about the molecular biology on how distinguishing different types of chemicals can represent certain aspects of our bodies." And so the dying begins, I told myself.

"Hey sweetheart." I turned around and saw a 6'2 tall, handsome, boy who had the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. His hair was the Ryan Reynolds type that looked like he was a model for some Abercrombie ad or something.

"Uh, excuse me?"

"Well I see that you're looking a little tired, up a little late last night or something?" he said while winking at me.

"Are you for reals right now?" I gave him a clear shocked look.

"No... I'm kidding?"

"Damn right you better be kidding." I laughed.

"Okay maybe I got carried away a little bit, but seriously, do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?"

"For you?" I smiled, "Of course, as long as you stop with your lame pick-up lines." I chuckled. "And for the record, sorry, but i'm taken."

I guess with all this talking and his dreamy look, I had forgotten about my boyfriend Zack. I don't actually have him until my American Minorities class, but this guy was just too damn hot. I admit it. He was hot.

"I wasn't asking you on a date or anything sweetie." He smiled again with his perfect teeth.

I took the extra pencil I had from my backpack and handed it over to him, "Well great, glad we got that settled then." As he was taking the pencil from my hand, I suddenly felt a jolt of electricity run through me. His hand touched mine and the connection felt weird, but I loved the feeling of it. We looked at each others' eyes and suddenly he broke the silence.

"My name is Jake Olsen, what's yours?" I almost laughed with the immediate lame name introducing, but something felt different.

"Ariel Wilson." I smiled again one last time and then turned my seat back around just to notice that Cindy had been staring at all of this introducing the entire time. She gave me the coy look and we went along and payed attention to the professor.


"Finally class is over! I'm gonna go get a coffee at the Starbucks around the corner at Jester Hall, you wanna come Ariel?"

"Nah, i'll see you later okay? I forgot I have to print out my lecture slides for Dr. Merino's class."

"Okay well text me doll, laters!" And with that she left around the corner unable for me to see her.

"Good, you got rid of her, I was wondering how long I was gonna have to wait around the bushes." I turn around and see Jake walking up to me.

"Uh...what are you doing here? Are you stalking me?"

"Really? Were at a university at 10:00 o'clock in the freaking morning! And you think i'm stalking you?" He cracked up and I saw the funny stares from people around us.

"Jeebuz Jake..."

"Now what kind of name is jeebuz?"

"Look, it's a term that I like to use okay?"

"So where are you off to princess?"

"What is it with you and calling me endearments when I told you earlier that I have a boyfriend. Which reminds me, he's gonna meet me in about 20 minutes, just letting you know." I coyly smiled when I realized that whatever I said didn't matter.

"Okay fine, let me just tell you what I want." He stood back and for a moment I felt that he was gonna drop a bomb.

"What is it Jake...?"

"Well Ariel, as you see, we are taking Biology together, and the only available time for lab was at 7:30 pm, so I am in need of... shall I dare say it... lab partner!" He whispered that last part that I wasn't able to hear it.

"A what?"

"Lab partner, I need a lab partner, and you seem like a smart girl."

"I am smart. I always get A's." I gave a sly smile this time.

"Well i'm a bit on the shy side, so will you be my lab partner?" He seemed extremely sincere.

I stood there as he was waiting for my answer. "Sure I guess. See you at lab class tonight then!" I started walking away and then he ran up to me.

"Wait, Ariel wait!" I turned around again and looked up him, considering that I was a bit on the short side.

"Yes Jake?"

"I was gonna remind you. Bring the lab manual dork." And with that, he took his sweet ass around the block to catch the university bus.

Lab PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now